Over 2 Lakh Deaths Reported During Second Wave Of COVID-19

Picture credit: Hindustan Times


Over 2 Lakh Deaths Reported During Second Wave Of COVID-19

Akshita Mehta
11 Jun 2021 1:51 PM GMT

More than 1.4 lakh deaths have reported in the seven weeks following March. The second wave's fatalities now account for 57 per cent of all Covid deaths across the country.

The catastrophic second wave of Covid-19 has surpassed the official death toll of 2 lakhs in India. Since the commencement of the pandemic in early 2020, approximately three out of every five deaths from the virus have been recorded from March 1 this year.

India's total death toll currently stands at 3.63 lakh (3,63,097). More than 1.4 lakh deaths have reported in the seven weeks since March. The second wave's fatalities now account for approximately 57 per cent of all Covid deaths across the country.

Only Brazil had a higher death toll during these 102 days, with about 2.25 lakh fatalities. Since March 1, the death toll in the United States, which has more than 6.1 lakh deaths overall, was 82,738, including that day.

India now accounts for 16 per cent of all confirmed cases and 9% of all deaths worldwide.

While daily fatalities in India have been declining for the last three weeks or so, data reconciliation processes have added more than 16,300 prior deaths to the toll since the first week of May, with Maharashtra accounting for 11,583, Bihar 3,951, and Uttarakhand 779, reported The Times Of India.

There have been a total of 5,873 old fatalities added in the last two days, with Bihar accounting for 3,951 and Maharashtra 1,922. The daily toll on these two days, by comparison, was 3,671. The large number of earlier deaths recorded from Maharashtra and now Bihar demonstrates the overwhelming burden of the second wave on healthcare infrastructure.

The second wave accounted for roughly 62 per cent of all Covid cases registered in India since the pandemic began. Since March 1, the country has seen over 1.8 crore new cases, with a total caseload of just over 2.9 crore.

On June 10, India recorded 91,870 new cases and 1,891 new deaths.

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