How Communal Violence Incidents Puts Indias Diversity Under Threat?

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How Communal Violence Incidents Puts India's Diversity Under Threat?

Ratika Rana
27 Dec 2021 11:49 AM GMT

The sudden spread of the anti-Christian sentiment in the country is alarming and threatens the Constitution's Right to Freedom of Religion. Hindu Supremacists feel that minority religions are a threat to their dream of a 'Hindu Nation'.

India has always been one of the most tolerant and religiously diverse countries globally. Apart from the six main religions of Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism, the 1.21 billion-strong population has several sections, including tribals who profess their beliefs. However, in Hinduism alone, there are over 33 million Gods. However, lately, the unfortunate turn of events has put the minority communities in danger for the religion they chose to practice. The indiscriminate communal violence has gripped the minority communities in fear for their lives.

Recent Incidents Of Violence Against Minority

Most recently, miscreants vandalized the statue of Jesus Christ on Christmas day. The 173-year-old statue of Christ the Redeemer was vandalized in Ambala district, after which Father Anthony from the Church said that the incident hurt the sentiments of Christians. In a similar incident in Indore, some devotees were singing hymns when a mob clad in saffron clothes kicked open the door and shouted Hindu Supremacist slogans, The New York Times reported. The sudden spread of the anti-Christian sentiment in the country is alarming and threatens the Constitution's Right to Freedom of Religion. The miscreants are often protected by government servants or let off with a mere warning.

Dream Of Having A 'Hindu' Nation

On the other hand, these attacks are justified by the Hindu community, who defend it as a measure to stop religious conversions. Hindu supremacists feel that the threat of people adopting Christianity, even though in a small number, is a massive threat to their dream of making India a purely 'Hindu Nation'. The danger is most serious in the states where the governing Party is BJP. Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh already have anti-conversion laws, while Karnataka is at the heels of having one.

Since independence, India has been a giant democratic experiment. The government has often seen several communal clashes, most often between Hindus and Muslims, which have tested the country's commitment to religious pluralism. Usually, the authorities try to tame the communal clashes, although sometimes too slowly.

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