Safer Internet Day: A Look At How Internet Impacts Personal Safety

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Safer Internet Day: A Look At How Internet Impacts Personal Safety

Ratika Rana
8 Feb 2022 9:54 AM GMT

Safer Internet Day is celebrated every year on February 8 with the intention of making the internet a safe and better place for all, especially children. This year, the theme of Safe Internet Day is 'Together for a better internet'.

Safer Internet Day is celebrated worldwide to ensure the safety of data on the internet and puts the onus of responsibility on the users. Limiting cyber-bullying, maintaining a dignified digital identity and making the internet a comfortable platform for everyone are the broad intents behind celebrating the day. Internet security is a matter of constant vigilance; hence governments worldwide are coming up with cyber cells to counter the menace of cybercrime. In India, the Pegasus Project investigations had revealed that the spyware, built by NSO Group Technologies, was used on ministers, Opposition leaders, social activists, advocates and Judges, including several other notable personalities.

Israel Announces Setting Up A Commission

In the latest development involving the NSO Group Technologies, an Israeli newspaper has mentioned that officials, protesters, journalists and a son of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were targeted by the spyware. Therefore, the government has announced to set up a commission to inquire and examine the reports that alleged the involvement of the State's Police in spying over Israeli public figures without due authorisation, international publication BBC quoted. Previously, the group that works under the Israeli Satellite Network has faced a widespread backlash because its hacking software, Pegasus, had allegedly been sold to several authoritarian regimes worldwide.

How Safe Are Indians On The Internet?

According to the data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the cybercrime rate in India has risen from 3.3 per cent to 3.7 per cent. Further, the onset of the pandemic accelerated the digital migration, and almost all activities, assignments and appointments happened virtually. A study had previously highlighted that Indians were more careful of sharing their details in 2021 than ever before. The report also mentioned that internet users in the country were thinking about removing specific applications from their devices over privacy and data breaches. Therefore, creating a solid password, maintaining digital security, and refraining from sharing personal details on the internet is the need of the hour.

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