Rajasthan To Allow Only Vaccinated People In Public Places

Image Credit: Hindustan Times


Rajasthan To Allow Only Vaccinated People In Public Places

Madhusree Goswami
27 Jun 2021 7:57 AM GMT

The Rajasthan government has made it compulsory for people to have at least one dose of COVID vaccination to enter public places from June 28.

The Rajasthan government made it compulsory for people to have at least one dose of COVID vaccination to enter public places from June 28. The state government issued a fresh set of guidelines for the public to follow.

While government offices will be open till 6 pm, business establishments whose employees have been vaccinated can remain open till 7 pm. Religious places will start to open conditionally, while marriage palaces can open from July 1 for holding such events. The new guidelines also state that in all government offices where the number of personnel is less than 25, full staff will be allowed whereas, in offices where the number of staff is 25 or more than 25, 50 per cent personnel will be allowed reported News18.

Commercial Establishments To Get Staff Vaccinated

In offices where 60 per cent of the staff have received the first dose of the vaccine, 100 per cent of the personnel will be allowed. Mini-buses will be ply in the city only after the driver and operator have got one dose of their vaccine at least.

The guidelines also state that operators of gyms, shops, clubs, gyms, restaurants, malls and other commercial establishments have to mandatorily get their staff vaccinated. Public parks will be open from 5 am to 8 am.

In gyms and restaurants, where at least 60 per cent of the staff has got a vaccination, they will be allowed to open for an additional 3 hours from 4 pm to 7 pm. All such establishments will have to also display information about the percentage of the staff that has been vaccinated.

While the guidelines have capped wedding guests at 40, it has not allowed DJs, marriage processions and marriage feasts.

Weekend Curfews

The revised guidelines state that there will be "public discipline weekend curfew" in the entire state from 8 pm Saturday to 5 am on Monday and there will be a "public discipline curfew" in the state on weekdays from 8 pm to 5 am.

Movement of people to all the religious places will be allowed from 5 am to 4 pm only after the people associated with the religious places get at least the first dose of the vaccine.

First Delta Plus Variant Case In State

Meanwhile, a woman who was fully vaccinated against coronavirus was the first person to have tested positive for the Delta Plus variant in the state. The sample of a woman in Bikaner who tested positive for COVID was sent to the National Institute of Virology in Pune on May 30 for genome sequencing and her test report came on June 25. She has already recovered from the infection, said a health officer.

Till June 26, India recorded 52 cases of the Delta Plus variant. The World Health Organisation said that vaccination along with safety measures are necessary when it comes to this particular strain of the virus.

Also Read: Maharashtra Records First Death From Delta Plus Variant Of COVID

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