Invincible Spirit! Bullied, Attempted Suicide After Job Rejections To Becoming Indias Youngest CEO At 33

Image Credit- Wikimedia, Twitter/ Radhika Gupta, Edelweiss MF


Invincible Spirit! Bullied, Attempted Suicide After Job Rejections To Becoming India's Youngest CEO At 33

Shiva Chaudhary
7 Jun 2022 12:51 PM GMT

Radhika Gupta was born with a crooked neck to a diplomat. She spent her early life in various places such as Pakistan, New York, Delhi and later Nigeria, and so was bullied at school for her Indian accent.

In what can be termed an inspiring life story, Radhika Gupta is among India's youngest Chief Executive Officers. Her journey to becoming the CEO of Edelweiss MF was not an easy one as she faced bullies, repetitive job rejections and whatnot.

Bullied In Childhood

Gupta was born with a crooked neck and is the daughter of a diplomat. She spent her early life in various places such as Pakistan, New York, Delhi and later Nigeria, and so was bullied at school for her Indian accent. Her schoolmates used to call her names such as 'Apu', a character from The Simpsons.

The 39-year-old wrote in a post for an online portal that she had low self-esteem and was constantly compared with her mother, who worked at her school. Gupta said, "They compared me to my mom, who worked at my school. She's a stunning woman, and people always told me how ugly I looked in comparison; my confidence plummeted," reported NDTV.

Attempted Suicide At 22

Gupta recalled that she attempted suicide at the age of 22 after she got rejected for her seventh job, "I looked out the window and said, 'I'll jump'".

Her friend called for help, and she was wheeled into a psychiatric ward and diagnosed with depression. "The only reason they let me go was that I said, 'I have a job interview - it's my only shot'," she remembered, counting she bagged the job - at McKinsey.

Became India's Youngest CEO At 33

A few years later, Gupta started her asset management company with her husband and a friend, which Edelweiss MF afterwards acquired. She described her experience, "I climbed the corporate ladder. I became a saree in a room full of suits".

She said that her husband encouraged her to take over the harnesses of the firm as its CEO. However, she hesitated to which he said, "You're the best person for the job!"

"So, I went up to my boss and said, 'I'd like to be considered for CEO. What I lack in experience, I make up for in passion.' And a few months later, at 33, I became one of the youngest CEOs in India! I was over the moon!" reported Mint.

Life-Changing Event

Gupta reminisced about a life-changing event as she shared her "childhood insecurities about my looks, my struggles with rejection, and my subsequent attempt to commit suicide. I let go of all the baggage I'd held on to."

She concluded the post with a remarkable line - "So now, when I receive comments on my appearance, I just say, 'Yes, I have a squint in the eyes, & a broken neck. What's unique about you?'"

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