PM Modi Backlashes At Congress During Motion Of Thanks Presidents Address In Rajya Sabha

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PM Modi Backlashes At Congress During Motion Of Thanks President's Address In Rajya Sabha

Shriya Handoo
8 Feb 2022 12:36 PM GMT

From Jawaharlal Nehru to dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic, Narendra Modi mocked the Opposition Party during his response to the Motion of Thanks on the President address in Rajya Sabha.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to a Motion of Thanks on the President's address in the Rajya Sabha on February 8. As part of his hour-long speech in the Rajya Sabha responding to the debate on the President's address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made several significant statements and launched heated arguments on the opposition, especially Congress.

Government Dealing With COVID-19

During his speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about various shots taken by the government in dealing with the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the vaccination drives, and the development of the idea of New India. He said, "humankind has never seen a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic in the last 100 years". While talking about India's progress, Modi taunted the opposition by saying, "people kept raising questions about India's progress during the pandemic, but India ensured 80 crore citizens got access to free ration".

He focused on what needs to be done together in another 25 years when India completes 100 years of Independence.

Taking A Dig At The Opposition Party

After speaking about the developments done by his government, PM Modi commenced his attack on Congress by stating that the threat to democracy is because of dynastic parties. He also insulted the opposition party with a statement that because of dynastic parties, political talent suffers. He alleged opponents for not attending and boycotting meetings related to COVID-19.

While taking a dig at the party, PM Modi made a flimsy comment on the Indian Emergency that it wouldn't have taken place if Congress was not there. Adding on to the list the chapters of caste politics, Sikh's massacre, and the issues related to Kashmiri Pandits. Furthermore, he accused Congress of stifling the country's development. At the same time, it remained in power and said the party had never considered anything else other than a dynasty, which is the biggest threat to democracy in India. He said, "It wasn't said as a joke in the House. Some people believe that India was born in 1947. Problems arise due to such thinking."

In most of the speech, the Prime Minister can be heard calling out the opposition party by listing down the initiatives taken by his government and pointing out the statements made by the opposition. He also stated that the Indian National Congress should change its name to "Federation of Congress". He criticized the opposition for discrediting, destabilizing and dismissing state governments, followed by mocking them as an "Urban-Naxal" trap.

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

Ahead of concluding his one-hour-long speech, Modi emphasized the importance of empowering women through Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. The betterment can be seen as the female ratio now is higher than the male ratio, along with a footnote on more participation of women in National Cadet Corps (NCC), Army, Navy. Lastly, he made a point that the country should move forward and take decisions in favour of the country ahead and take it to new heights and give new directions.

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