Out Of This World! Uber Eats Makes First Food Delivery To Space

Image Credits: Uber Eats


Out Of This World! Uber Eats Makes First Food Delivery To Space

Tashafi Nazir
16 Dec 2021 10:59 AM GMT

The company said that the dishes included beef bowl cooked in sweet sauce, boiled mackerel in miso, simmered chicken with bamboo shoots, and braised pork. It said that the delicious meal was a welcome break from the standard space food.

Uber Eats, the online food ordering and delivery platform, announced that it has made its first food delivery to space. Teaming up with Japanese entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa, the company sent food parcels to the International Space Station for the astronauts stationed there.

Maezawa went to outer space in a Soyuz spacecraft for a 12-day mission at the International Space Station. The spacecraft, along with the Japanese fashion tycoon, was carrying a special package by Uber Eats, News18 reported. The delivery was made on December 11 at 9:40 am (EST) having travelled 248 miles, 8 hours and 34 minutes since Maezawa's departure from Earth.

A video of the historic delivery was shared by the US food delivery service, wherein, the Japanese billionaire is seen entering through a portal carrying an Uber Eats delivery bag. The bag floats from Maezawa's hand and reaches the astronaut.

"Today, Uber Eats is proud to share that it made first ever food delivery to space. Expanding our global footprint beyond earth's surface has been a dream and we are thrilled to partake in a small piece of history," the company shared in a press statement.

Welcome Break From Standard Space Food

Revealing the contents of the cans, the company said that the dishes included beef bowl cooked in sweet sauce, boiled mackerel in miso, simmered chicken with bamboo shoots, and braised pork. It said that the delicious meal was a welcome break from the standard space food.

The company is now offering discounts to the first 24,800 people with promo code 'SPACEFOOD' to celebrate the distance from Earth to the International Space Station. The promo code will be available from December 13-19, 2021, the press statement said.

"This delivery marks one giant leap for Uber as we are committed to helping people go anywhere and get anything — now, including space," the company said.

Being a space buff, the billionaire had made headlines in 2018 when he bought all the seats for the first tourist flight to the moon by SpaceX.

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