Top Cops Operation Silent Viper Catches Rapist After 22 Years

Image Credit: Pxfuel, The Times of India


Top Cop's Operation Silent Viper Catches Rapist After 22 Years

Ratika Rana
18 Oct 2021 7:43 AM GMT

The accused of a 1999 horrific rape case was finally nabbed after 22 years. The accused, Bibekananda Biswal hid in plain sight for over two decades, until 2021, when his luck ran out.

After 22 years of committing the crime, Bibekananda Biswal tried to escape when the police approached him in Pune, Maharashtra. Biswal was accused of raping a 29-year-old on January 9 1999; however, he still denies the allegations. The entire play ended when the Commissioner of Police Sudhanshu Sarangi visited Choudwar jail for another case and changed upon a meeting with Mohanty, one of the rapists. During the conversation with him, the commissioner realized that one of the criminals had never been caught. Then, the top cop went back to his office and recalled all the files of the 1999 case.

The files played the whole crime in front of the Sarangi, and he thought that the rapist must be caught. Then, Operation Silent Viper was planned in high confidentiality and involved minimum officers to avoid an information leak. The BBC reported the officer mentioning the significance of the code name, "A viper can blend in with its surroundings, not make any noises to avoid detection. So, I thought it was the perfect name for this operation since he hadn't been caught for 22 years".

The Breakthrough For The Case

The breakthrough for the case came when the Police took a closer look at the family's finances. A person named Jalandhar Swain had constantly been sending steady income to the family. After the investigations began, the Police found that he had been in constant touch with his family, and he was caught when the family decided to sell a piece of land registered in Biswal's name. However, Biswal's wife, Gitanjali, claimed not to have contacted her husband for more than 22 years. She refused to receive any financial support from him but did not answer questions relating to Jalandhar Swain.

All this while Biswal or Jalandhar Swain was residing in Maharashtra's posh township, Amby Valley. He had an Aadhar Card, PAN Card and Bank account. He had started a whole new life with a different identity and worked as a plumber. Just like a viper, he had merged with another 14,000 workers of the region and existed in plain sight, raising no suspicions whatsoever. Swain had his new name on his Aadhar Card, and his father's name was changed from Purnananda Biswal to P Swain, but his village was named correctly.

On February 19, the Police knew they had gotten through to the absconder. The next day, the Joint team of Maharashtra Police and Odisha Police carried out the raid, and as soon as Biswal saw the Police, he tried to escape. When he was caught, he reportedly said, "Take me away from here, I will tell you everything", the Senior Police Official said.

Several Unanswered Questions

Even though the alleged rapist is under custody, several questions remain unanswered. Since the victim has pointed fingers at the involvement of several influential figures, it remains to be seen how the case unfolds further. Answers to questions like how Biswal escaped, how he could change his name, and how he found a job are still in the dark. First and foremost, the survivor has to identify the accused, and it has been two decades since the crime took place. After identification, the case would begin in the Court in which he may or may not be convicted.

Among the other two accused were Pradeep Kumar Sahu and Dhirendra Mohanty, who was arrested, tried and convicted of rape and sentenced to life in prison. After Biswal's arrest, the survivor thanked '"Mr Sarangi and his team for delivering justice to me", saying she wants the death penalty for her attacker.

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