One Less Asian To Put Up With: Handwritten Letter After Mans Death In US Strikes Fear

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"One Less Asian To Put Up With": Handwritten Letter After Man's Death In US Strikes Fear

Susmita Modak
25 March 2021 11:54 AM GMT

The incident took place just after a 21-year-old white man killed eight people in the US. Among the eight, six were Asian women, which has increased the fear in the Asian-American community.

Amid the increasing number of racial discrimination cases in the United States, mourning has been tough for the family of Byong Choi.

Choi was a retired accountant and restaurateur who died due to tuberculosis in his bone marrow on February 24 in Orange County, California.

After the 83-year-old's death, his wife and four daughters were unable to hold his funeral mass till March 19 because of the restrictions due to the coronavirus.

82-year-old Yong, Choi's wife, received a cursive handwritten letter at her Leisure World Seal Beach retirement community home quoting, "Now that Byong is gone makes it one less Asian to put up with in Leisure World. You frickin Asians are taking over our American community!"

One of the four daughters of Choi, 46-year-old Claudia, called the police and informed them about the threatening letter as she was feeling scared for the safety of her mother.

While speaking to the Washington Post Claudia said, "They used my dad's death to celebrate, sent it on the day of his funeral to my mother." She also mentioned the threatening part of the letter where it said 'watch out'. The letter also told the woman to go back to the country 'from where she belonged'.

Claudia also talked about how former President Donald Trump handled the coronavirus crisis and used phrases such as "China virus" and "Kung flu".

The Seal Beach Police Department in the county has launched an investigation into what it calls an anti-Asian hate crime, reported NDTV.

According to the Seal Beach Chief of Police, Philip Gonshak, the letter is a top priority for the department, especially since hate crimes have risen in the US over the last five years.

Gonshak reportedly said that the country was seeing more and more violence committed against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. He added that the department would not allow this to happen in Seal Beach, reported R. Bharat.

According to Census data, Sea Bleach City includes 11 per cent Asians as compared to 22 per cent Asians in Orange country.

The incident took place just after a 21-year-old white man killed eight people. Among the eight, six were Asian women, which has increased the fear in the Asian-American community.

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