Legal Information Made Easy! Know How This Platform Is Making People Aware Of Their Fundamental Rights

Image Credit: Nyaaya


Legal Information Made Easy! Know How This Platform Is Making People Aware Of Their Fundamental Rights

Ronit Kumar Singh
13 Nov 2022 8:01 AM GMT

The Constitution of India guarantees certain fundamental rights to all citizens, but most are unaware of the same. Nyaaya, an open-access digital resource, launched the Samvidhaan Fellowship 2022-23 to ensure that underserved people know their rights and can access justice.

The Constitution of India guarantees certain rights to all citizens of the country. However, due to a lack of knowledge and awareness, most people don't enforce their rights. Those in dire need of legal assistance face several barriers to reliable and actionable information, which leaves them in the middle of the sea.

To tackle this problem, Nyaaya, an open-access digital resource, was founded in 2016 to make legal information accessible to all Indians. The organisation provides simple, actionable, reliable, and accessible legal (SARAL) information in audio, video, and written formats to help people solve their day-to-day legal problems.

Launch Of Samvidhaan Fellowship 2022-23

The organisation, with an aim to serve the underserved sections of society, launched the Samvidhaan Fellowship 2022-23 in Karnataka as a pilot programme. The program is implemented to ensure that marginalised people know their rights and can access justice.

The one-year paid fellowship will give seven grassroots lawyers from Karnataka an opportunity to work on closing the last-mile gap in accessing justice. While sharing information with The Logical Indian, the organisation mentioned that these Fellows would work with Nyaaya's partner organisations and the Karnataka State Legal Services Authority to create easily replicable and scalable audio, video, and written legal content in Kannada.

The candidates will also participate in legal awareness training programmes hosted by Nyaaya and its partners to solve people's legal problems. The Samvidhaan Fellows will also be supported by Nyaaya's Access to Justice Network of over 500 practising lawyers and law students from all over India, who will provide mentorship and research support.

Diverse Group Of Fellows

While speaking about the role of Fellows, the Team Lead of Nyaaya, Anisha Gopi, said, "All legal information is in complicated, jargon-filled English that only 10% of India's population can actually access. This is why I am very excited to have the Fellows on board with Nyaaya to create contextual and engaging legal content in Kannada and provide pre-litigation support to the most vulnerable communities of Karnataka. Our candidates are a diverse group of inspiring lawyers, and we hope they will act as changemakers helping their communities access justice delivery mechanisms."

According to the organisation, the seven Fellows are Amrita Shivaprasad, Gangadhara D.S, Geetha Sajjanshetty, Manoranjini Thomas, Geetha SP, Jairam Siddi, and Shirisha B Reddy. The diverse team of fellows, of which 70 per cent are women, come from different backgrounds, age groups, and locations in Karnataka. They will lead the path to empower people from the marginalised sections of society.

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