No To War! Russian Citizens Win Heart For Anti War Protests, Stands In Solidarity With Ukrainians

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No To War! Russian Citizens Win Heart For Anti War Protests, Stands In Solidarity With Ukrainians

Shiva Chaudhary
25 Feb 2022 12:40 PM GMT

The anti-war protests have been registered in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other cities. More than 1,391 people have already been detained in 51 cities of Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-fledged invasion in Ukraine on Thursday by land, air, and sea, making it the most significant attack by a state against another in Europe since World War 2. In the latest updates, the Russian troops have taken control of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant, the site of the 1986 disaster and have taken the Chernobyl plant staff hostage.

Anti-War Protests

Amid the ongoing Russia Ukraine crisis, thousands of people have taken to streets across Russia to protest against the war. The Russian citizens have said "no to war" and have stood still in solidarity with Ukrainian. The anti-war protests have been registered in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other cities. Defying police warnings, citizens took to central squares to protest against the military campaign, and some risked arrest to voice their opposition to the invasion.

Protesters Detained

So far, Russian police have detained around 1,700 protesters from different locations in the state. "More than 1,391 people have already been detained in 51 cities," said OVD-Info, which tracks arrests at opposition rallies, reported Euro News. The monitor said that more than 700 people had been detained in Moscow and over 340 people in the second-largest city Saint Petersburg.

Anti War Protest Garners Praise Worldwide

Philip Lewis, the senior front page editor at HuffPost, shared the video of an anti-war protest happening in Russia's capital, Moscow. He said Russian citizens rejected the Ukraine invasion.

Sable Love, a lawyer/politician by profession and an associate of Alexei Navalny, shared a video of a similar protest in Tyumen city of Russia where people chanted "No to War".

Mohamad Safa, a permanent representative to the United Nations, shared a picture from a similar protest and bowed to the bravery of Russians for voicing against the Ukraine invasion.

Also Read: Know Why Capturing Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Was Key To Russia's Ukraine Invasion

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