Odisha: Newborn Beats COVID-19 After 10 Days On Ventilator

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Odisha: Newborn Beats COVID-19 After 10 Days On Ventilator

Madhusree Goswami
15 May 2021 10:36 AM GMT

The baby was merely two weeks old when she tested positive for COVID-19. She was put on a ventilator and was administered Remdesivir for treatment.

An infant who tested positive for COVID within two weeks of being born has successfully beaten the virus. The child was put on ventilator support at a hospital in Odisha's Bhubaneswar when she was barely a month old, reported The Times Of India.

The baby was born at a hospital in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, on March 22. The baby's father said that within days, the newborn developed a fever and was not taking to breastfeeding well. He said that other members of his family experienced fever and other symptoms of COVID. Both he and his wife tested positive for the virus.

Dr Arijit Mohapatra, a neonatalogist who treated the infant in Bhubaneswar said the newborn had been brought with severe respiratory distress. "After exhausting all other options, we put her on ventilator, " he said. The baby was also administered Remdevisir and other antibiotics and eventually began to respond well to it, according to the doctor. The baby, however, lost her grandfather, who had been admitted along with her father to a hospital in Bhubaneswar, to the virus.

Children Most Vulnerable In Third Wave

Experts have said that children are most likely to be vulnerable during the third wave of the pandemic. The first wave mostly affected those above 60. The second wave, which is unleashing untold misery and suffering, is mostly affecting the younger generation, reported Deccan Herald.

Dr Devi Shetty, cardiac surgeon and chairman and founder of Narayana Health, has reaffirmed that the third wave could prove fatal to the children since the young people would have either been infected or immunised.

Also Read: COVID-19 'Third-Wave' Likely To Affect Children Hard: Repor

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