New Zealand Govt Prohibits Sales Of Cigarettes To Those Born After 2008

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New Zealand Govt Prohibits Sales Of Cigarettes To Those Born After 2008

Rafia Tasleem
10 Dec 2021 1:11 PM GMT

The Jacinda Ardern-led New Zealand government also plans to reduce the number of retailers authorized to sell tobacco and cut nicotine levels in all products.

The New Zealand Government had decided to prohibit sales of cigarettes or tobacco to those born after 2008. The country took the bold step as part of its effort to reduce smoking rates. A proposal was unveiled on December 9. The government also plans to reduce the number of retailers authorized to sell tobacco and cut nicotine levels in all products. The move is a part of a sweeping crackdown on smoking announced by New Zealand's Health Ministry.

A Smoke-Free Generation

"We want to make sure young people never start smoking," Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verall was quoted as saying by BBC News.

Creating a smoke-free generation is part of the government's campaign to reduce the prevalence of smoking in New Zealand to 5% in all population groups, which it aims to achieve by 2025. Officials estimate smoking kills as many as 5,000 people a year, accounting for 15% of all deaths, as per an Al Jazeera report.

Setting An Example For Other Nations

This initiative by New Zealand and the data they have provided highlighting the destruction that smoking amounts to is something to be noticed by other nations. Not only in New Zealand but many people worldwide are involved in addicts like tobacco, different forms of drugs, etc. The data is concerning, but governments are reluctant to take strict actions against their supply because they fetch more tax.

However, looking at the harms this is causing to the population, and in turn, to the nation, such bans and restrictions become very significant. Youth is an asset for any country, and this asset is under threat when exposed to addicts. Their mental and physical health deteriorates, and they become disabled, leading to a loss in their productivity.

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