National Road Safety Week 2022: Impactful Global Campaigns On Road Safety

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National Road Safety Week 2022: Impactful Global Campaigns On Road Safety

Sayujya Surjit
12 Jan 2022 11:19 AM GMT

Various campaigns have been launched worldwide, which helped bring about social and political changes. Different nations adopted different and unique road safety campaigns to bring down the number of road fatality cases.

Countries around the world have been adopting various practices to curb road accidents and ensure safety. One such practice is the launching of campaigns. A campaign is a set of activities undertaken by people over a period of time to achieve something. Various campaigns have been launched worldwide, which helped bring about social and political changes. Different countries adopted different road safety campaigns to bring down the number of road fatality cases.

On the second day of National Road Safety Week 2022, The Logical Indian looks into the innovative and prominent campaigns on road safety worldwide.

Slow Down Songs Campaign

The Australian Road Safety Foundation launched the Slow Down Songs Campaign to ensure road safety in school zones and save young lives. Many of the Australian drivers agree that they speed even in school zones. School zones need special attention while driving since school children can be running recklessly. A moment's carelessness can lead to huge disasters. So, Australian Road Safety Foundation teamed up with Spotify and some of Queensland's leading musicians to create a geo-targeted reminder to drivers within school zones. The idea was initiated in 2021 when children returned to school after the pandemic induced lockdown. They created cut-through messages, which are played automatically, slowing down the song being played and a message reminding drivers that they are in a school zone and have to reduce their speed to 40kmph. A representative video was also uploaded on YouTube to gain more understanding of the concept.

Pint Block Campaign

Driving while being drunk is a dangerous activity that has led to the death of many. The sad part is that people who did not even commit a mistake while driving succumbs to death because the other person was driving while drunk. Pint Block Campaign aims at changing young men's attitude towards drink driving. It was launched by THINK!, which was officially established by the UK government to deliver road safety campaigns. THINK! has launched various campaigns on road safety and is continuing to do so.

According to THINK!, young men between the age of 17-24 have been overly-represented in drunk-drive-related road casualties. People in the age group doesn't find it dangerous or unacceptable to drink and drive. So, the Pint Block Campaign was launched to shift this attitude of the youth and create more awareness among them. The campaign encourages young men to intervene and stop a mate from drinking before they drive. The message behind the campaign is 'A mate doesn't let a mate drink drive'. They also came up with a short film, 'Mates for Life', which shows a young man encouraging his friend not to drink and drive by, reminding him of the lifelong friendship and adventures they're yet to have. THINK! have also partnered with drinks producer Diageo to conduct online classes explaining the consequences of drink driving.

Memorial Tickets Campaign

Most people who go to concerts drink more than the legal limit, and they drive their way back home. However, not everybody reaches home safely. Many accidents occur while people return from concerts or festivals, and this is mainly because the driver is drunk. To raise awareness of the dangers of drunk driving and refrain people from doing so, the Memorial Tickets Campaign was launched. It was launched by Responsible Young Drivers, an organisation that works on road safety awareness.

They sold the ticket under the name 'Memorial Ticket' for a remarkably low price of 22 Euros. It was the age of the deceased ticket owner Maarten who died in a road accident after being hit by a drunk driver and was unable to make it to the concert. Along with the ticket, they gave a description of the previous owner's death and requested the buyer not to drink and drive. The incident gained attention on social media and even became a matter of news. The campaign was mentioned as "an incredibly touching initiative", which created an impact among concert-goers.

Drive Safe Dad Campaign

Drive Safe Dad was a campaign launched by CEAT that blends technology and emotions to give a powerful message. The campaign came up with a video that targeted fathers through the representation of children. In the video, dads were given bobbleheads that looked like their kids. The bobbleheads were fitted with a sound chip that synchronised with the speedometer. Every time the car exceeds the speed limit, these bobbleheads give out a personalised message from their children. This encourages them to slow down and drive carefully.

Indian Road Safety Campaign

Indian Road Safety Campaign is an initiative of Solve to ensure road safety. It started at IIT Delhi due to the death of students in a road accident. They work with the UN, WHO, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways etc., to attain 'Vision Zero'. IRSC works at developing technical innovations to solve road safety issues with the help of technology. School programs have been conducted to sensitise students on safe driving since they are the future drivers. Awareness activities are conducted online and offline for drivers, police personnel and pedestrians. They are working with AIIMS Trauma Care Center and IIT Delhi to develop services like AmbiVan to improve post-accident emergency care in India.

A campaign can be successful only with the effective intervention of people. When people initiating the campaign are working towards a greater cause, it is the duty of the public to support them so that the number of road fatality cases can be reduced to a great extent.

Also Read: National Road Safety Week 2022: List Of All Top-Performing Countries In Road Safety

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