Madhya Pradesh Set To Introduce New Law To Regulate Online Gaming After 11-Yr-Old Commits Suicide In Bhopal

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Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Set To Introduce New Law To Regulate Online Gaming After 11-Yr-Old Commits Suicide In Bhopal

Snehadri Sarkar
14 Jan 2022 8:31 AM GMT

Sachin Atulkar, Bhopal's Additional Commissioner of Police, also revealed that according to his parents, the minor had spent approximately Rs 6,000 on an online mobile game without taking their permission.

Home Minister Narottam Mishra officially announced on January 13 that the Madhya Pradesh government is set to introduce an act in order to regulate online games after an 11-year-old kid reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself in Bhopal amid his addiction to an online game.

"Online game is a serious issue. To prevent such tragic incident that is happening, we are bringing an act regulating online gaming in Madhya Pradesh, whose draft has been prepared and we will soon finalise it," Mishra was quoted as saying reported The New Indian Express.

On January 12, an 11-year-old boy from Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal had reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself with the rope of the punching bag at his house, the police said.

Online Gaming Addiction

Sachin Atulkar, Bhopal's Additional Commissioner of Police, also revealed that according to his parents, the minor had spent approximately ₹ 6,000 on an online mobile game without taking their permission. An investigation is currently underway as well, however, the cops did not find a suicide note from the spot.

As per the police, Suryansh Ojha, who was a Shankaracharya Nagar Bajaria resident, was a class 5 student. Yogesh Ojha, Suryansh's father, informed the police that his son had been massively addicted to an online mobile game.

The revealed that on Wednesday afternoon, Suryansh was busy watching a movie with his cousin Ayush in the second-floor room. Ayush left Suryansh alone a few minutes later and went downstairs. After a few moments, Suryansh's cousins went to the building's terrace and found that he was hanging from a rope, which was used to hang punching bags.

The police also added that relatives immediately took the child to the private hospital, however, it was too late and the doctor declared him dead after checking.

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