The Paramount Significance Of Mother Teresas Missionaries Of Charity

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The Paramount Significance Of Mother Teresa's Missionaries Of Charity

Ratika Rana
28 Dec 2021 10:18 AM GMT

The Missionaries of Charity is a Catholic Religious Congregation that was established by Mother Teresa in the 1950s and consisted of 5,167 religious' sisters. Today, it is known in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

The Mother Teresa Foundation started with spreading love amongst the poor and achieving drastic improvements by promoting the well-being of all aspects of humanity. Mother Teresa, along with a small community of her pupils, labelled as the Diocesan Congregation of the Calcutta Diocese, received permission from the Diocese of Calcutta to be recognized as a Christian organization. In Mother Teresa's words, the mission of the organization was to care for "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone".

Significance of Missionaries Of Charity

A member of the Missionaries of Charity would have to adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. The fourth and the most important vow is to devote themselves to the service of others wholeheartedly. The Mothers, Sisters, and Fathers live without television or radios. Moreover, they are required to not indulge in smoking, drinking or begging for their food. The missionaries have 19 homes in Kolkata, including homes for the women, orphaned children, and the dying, an AIDS nursing home, a school for street children, and a leper colony for the people suffering from leprosy.

Incidents Of Violence

In the latest instance, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs said that it had refused to renew the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) registration. They had noticed 'some adverse and unnoticed inputs'. FCRA registration is mandatory for any non-government organization to receive foreign funds or donations. The Home Ministry announced the decision on Christmas Day, which invoked flak from several political leaders and activists.

In 2021, instances of communal violence have been frequent in the country after several states have passed Anti-conversion laws. Hindu Supremacists had claimed that they needed to limit the increasing conversions of people from Hinduism to other religions, which has resulted in the vandalization of several Churches and statues of Jesus Christ across the country.

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