Man Returns After 11 Years To Pay Fees Of Doctor Who Performed His Surgery For Free, Netizens Applaud

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Man Returns After 11 Years To Pay Fees Of Doctor Who Performed His Surgery For Free, Netizens Applaud

Deepthi Rao
26 Dec 2022 1:09 PM GMT

Unexpected acts of gratitude restore one's belief in helping others. Similar was the case for this doctor who performed a surgery free of cost for a man who could not afford to pay for the procedure.

In a world that is bustling with dishonesty and fraud, every ounce of honesty is invaluable! In dire times, helping someone in distress is the epitome of humanity. We often don't expect people to pay us back when we perform a deed intending to help others. But for this doctor, repayment arrived more than a decade on!

Eleven years ago, a man in excruciating stomach pain underwent an appendectomy, a surgical procedure for removing the vermiform appendix. Knowing that Ram Sahay, the patient lacked the necessary funds for the operation, the doctor, Bhagwant Singh, performed the procedure free of cost. Thoughtfully, he told him to return the fees whenever he had enough money.

'Great Example Of Honesty & Humanity'

Ram Sahay did not take the good gesture for granted and, 11 years later, ensured that he paid the fees to the doctor! He travelled from Haridwar to Punjab and waited two days to pay the debt. "For me, him returning after 11 years with the resolution to pay me is a huge thing," exclaimed an emotional Singh as he embraced Sahay! He thanked the grateful man for returning after all this time.

A journalist from Punjab named Gagandeep Singh shared a video of their reunion and wrote, "What a great example of honesty and humanity. 11 years ago a person was operated by a doctor for free and now the same person came from Haridwar to return the fee and waited for two days for the doctor to come. #Honesty #Humanity".

Netizens Applaud

In this viral video shared by journalist Singh, the true meaning of service and gratitude is portrayed. Netizens applauded both parties' heart-warming gesture and were moved by the good deed! A user commented, "You both are super human beings and set an example for all of us. Dr. performed surgery without money and patient coming back after so many years to pay for it. Great. God bless both of you".

Another user wrote, "This shows positive people always attract positive people. India still has genuine people".

Both these individuals showed that goodness is reciprocated with goodness. The man displayed integrity and determination when he returned to the doctor, who did not expect anything in return for his hard work and service! Kudos to both!

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