
Maharashtra Announces Rs 11,500 Crore Relief Package Those Hit By Floods

Chahat Suri
5 Aug 2021 12:54 PM GMT

Out of the total package announced by the government, ₹ 1,500 crore will be used to extend immediate assistance to flood victims and ₹ 3,000 crore has been allotted to remodel and repair damaged infrastructures such as roads, bridges, electricity, etc

On Tuesday, August 3, the Maharashtra Cabinet announced a financial package of 11,500 crore people affected by rain and floods for renovation work and other long-term flood mitigation steps.

Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said that the relief amount had been calculated higher than the prescribed norms as the massive deluge last month caused great destruction. Besides, more than 200 people lost their lives in the recent floods.

The Cabinet had given its approval for more assistance than the prescribed norms for many damage categories. At the same time, it did not increase the compensation for damages to perennial crops and horticulture farms, and they will be reimbursed according to the prescribed norms, sources stated.

Break-Up of the Relief Package

Out of the total package announced by the government, 1,500 crore will be used to extend immediate assistance to flood victims and 3,000 crore has been allotted to remodel and repair damaged infrastructures such as roads, bridges, electricity, etc. For undertaking long-term disaster mitigation steps in the affected areas, a sum of 7,000 crore has been earmarked.

The government will also be extending an ex gratia amount of 10,000 for clothes and utensils per family in the flood-hit areas and 1.5 lakh will be given per house that has been completely damaged and for houses damaged up to 50 per cent, 25 per cent and 15 per cent, the government will provide an amount of 50,000, 25,000 and 15,000 respectively and a total sum of 15,000 per hut wholly destroyed.

The affected shopkeepers and small vendors will be given a maximum aid of 50,000 and 10,000 separately.

Maximum assistance of 50,000 will be provided to handicraft workers and artisans. The same compensation will be given to the fishermen for entirely damaged boats and 5,000 for partially or fully destroyed nets.

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