Kerala Muslim Unions Against Centres Decision On Increasing Marriage For Women, Catholic Council In Support

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Kerala Muslim Unions Against Centre's Decision On Increasing Marriage For Women, Catholic Council In Support

Devyani Madaik
18 Dec 2021 12:51 PM GMT

The unions claim the decision was against the Muslim personal law and was a step towards introducing a uniform civil code (UCC) in India. The women's wing of unions state that the delay in age gave rise to 'live-in and illegitimate relationships'.

On Wednesday, December 15, the central government gave the nod to increasing the minimum legal age of marriage from 18 to 21 for women. to bring uniformity in the marriageable age of men and women. The amendments will be tabled in the ongoing winter session of Parliament.

While many have lauded the decision, including the citizens and opposition parties, some have expressed their reservations towards it.

Sangh Parivar Agenda

Several Muslim organisations in Kerala have come forward to oppose the union government's move, stating that the decision was against the Muslim personal law and was a step towards introducing a uniform civil code (UCC) in India.

According to the Hindustan Times report, Muslim League leader ET Mohammad Basheer introduced an adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha, claiming that the centre was trying to implement the 'Sangh Parivar's' plan of UCC. Basheer said he would discuss the matter with other political parties to form a consensus, as many are left to gove their stance on the issue, including the Congress party.

"The Muslim personal law board clearly defines marriage, divorce and right to property. These issues relate to our faith," HT quoted Basheer.

Delay In Marriage Would Lead To Illegitimate Relations

The women's wing of the Muslim League also stood against the proposal, claiming that the delay in age gave rise to 'live-in and illegitimate relationships'.

The Sunni scholars' union, Samastha Kerala Jamiat-ul-Ulema, and other religious bodies opposed the move. They say the compulsion behind increasing the age remains unknown.

No Studies On Disadvantages Of Getting Married At 18

Wisdom Islamic Organisation leader, T K Ashraf said that there was no medical study to back up the advantages of marriage at a certain age. He said there were no reports of any psychological or physiological problems if girls are married off at 18. He called the centre's decision an obstruction to freedom and religious beliefs.

Women's Wing In Opposition

The Muslim unions have received support from the women's wing of CPI(M) and the All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA). The wing said the decision would do more harm than good. It was a decision analysed with a communal outlook; rather than bridging the gender gap, HT quoted their statement.

Catholic Council in Support

The move has been welcomed by the Kerala Catholic Bishops Council (KCBC) welcomed the decision, saying it would help bring uniformity in the marriageable age of men and women.

"We feel education remains a key factor, and by 21, women will get an opportunity to complete their graduation. This paves the way for a mature relationship and a healthy family. Therefore, we view the decision positively," KCBC secretary Father Paul Samantha told the media.

The government called the decision a progressive move that would help women prioritise their education without any unnecessary restrictions, protect overall health and empower them to tackle situations independently.

Also Read: 'If She Can Vote At 18, Why Can't She Get Married?': Samajwadi Party MPs' Reservation On Marriage Age

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