
Karnataka Scientists, Academics Write To CM Over Rising Communal Intolerance, Killings

Devyani Madaik
26 Jan 2022 6:23 AM GMT

The letter highlights the disruption caused by vigilante groups, which is being encouraged by the unconstitutional statements given by legislators. It said the state government has proven insufficient in curbing the menace.

A group of 34 senior scientists, writers, historians, poets, lawyers, etc., across Karnataka, have issued a letter to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, voicing their concerns over the government's insufficiency in preventing and putting a cap on communal violence.

The letter comes amid a series of reported incidents from across the state, especially since October 2021.

Communal Clashes, Young Deaths

The letter reported by the Hindustan Times highlights the atrocities the minority community members face time and again, the inflammatory speeches with an intention to incite violence, the communal clashes resulting in killings of young people, and so forth.

The letter reads that youth supporting opposition parties or communities are being hacked to death over enmity. It also highlights the several hate speeches given by influential people, public threats by vigilante groups, disruption of sacred places, moral policing, honour killings, etc.

Acts Threatening State's Federal Strength

The group said that legislations such as the cow protection and 'anti-conversion' Acts were harming Karnataka's image of a progressive state. Besides, the administrative and political fronts are losing their federal strength.

Such acts go against the cultural rights of religious minorities and are also harming Karnataka's reputation as a business destination and damaging economic activities.

Harmony, peace, and tolerance are no more the hallmarks of the state, they added.

Govt's Insufficiency In Curbing Menace

The disruption caused by vigilante groups is being encouraged by the un-constitutional statements given by legislators, which is outrightly unacceptable.

Many politicians have also hit below the belt and passed misogynist remarks, and given instigated incidents of hostile and violent encounters between various religious groups.

Despite witnessing several events and noticing a surge in cases, the state government has proven insufficient in curbing the menace and rein-in these fringe anti-social groups, the signatories noted.

"As elected representatives, it is the responsibility of the chief minister and all legislators to deliberate on all legislations, programs, and policies in a democratic and open manner," the group said.

'Making Karantaka Great Again'

The group expressed dismay over the government's mishandling of such incidents, resulting in the deterioration of the values that the state represents and is hindering its progress.

Trends against Karnataka's history of being a progressive state needed to be capped. The letter mentioned that the state's progression facilitated the social harmony of a plural society and initiated model welfare programs for all sections of the population.

"We note with both sadness and alarm that these traditions of tolerance and shared well-being are being torn asunder. Instead, the state is losing its identity on multiple fronts," it adds.


The letter has been signed by Dr Ramachandra Guha (historian and commentator), KP Suresha (poet, essayist, and translator), Dr Yellappa Reddy (forester and environmentalist), Bezwada Wilson (human rights' specialist) and professor AR Vasavi (social anthropologist), professor Vinod Gaur (former secretary, department of science and technology, geophysicist), Flavia Agnes (lawyer and author), professor Janaki Nair (historian), professor Vidyanand Nanjundiah (scientist), among others.

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