Jharkhand Lynching Episode: 13 Booked For Murder, Wife Alleges Police Presence

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Jharkhand Lynching Episode: 13 Booked For Murder, Wife Alleges Police Presence

Ratika Rana
6 Jan 2022 8:31 AM GMT

A 34-year-old man was lynched to death and his body burnt for cutting a 'sacred tree'. The victim's wife alleged that the murder took place while the police were present at the spot, but nobody moved an inch to save her husband.

In Jharkhand's Simdega district, a 34-year-old Sanju Pradhan of Chaprideepa village was dragged out of his home by an angry mob after skipping the meeting; the villagers called to address the tree-felling issue. The group took Pradhan to the nearby Besrajara village, the venue for the discussion and lynched him to death near the market. The victim was accused of cutting trees where tribal customs considered sacred. After the lynching, his body was set on fire, and the charred remains could be collected only in the evening when the villagers allowed the Police in.

Wife Alleges Police Inaction

However, Pradhan's wife alleged that her husband was lynched and set on fire in the presence of the Police officials who maintained silence. Although she begged the officials to save her husband, she said that nobody moved an inch. Her statement contradicts the local Police version, in which the Kolebira Police Station Officer In-charge Rameshwar Bhagat had been told that they could reach the spot only after the lynching, The Indian Express reported. On the other hand, the Police has not yet responded to the fresh allegations, but senior officials said that the officers had reached the spot on time but were 'taken aback' by the angry mob.

500 People Involved, 13 Booked

The Police Station also alleged that the villagers had complained against Pradhan for cutting trees, and a meeting was held with the district's forest officials in July last year. Moreover, a gram sabha was held in which Pradhan was asked not to cut trees since the place was important as per the tribal customs. However, Pradhan continued to cut trees, which angered the villagers. There was a call for another meeting, but Pradhan did not show up for it. After that, the mob barged into his house and pulled him to Besrajara village. There were more than 500 people involved in the incident, and so far, only 13 people have been booked for murder.

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