
Indian Railways To Introduce Bio-Degradable Spittoons To Discourage Public Spitting On Stations

Akanksha Saxena
11 Oct 2021 11:37 AM GMT

The Indian Railways aims to install 'Spittoon Vending Machines' in stations around the country where the spitting pouch can be procured for Rs 5 and Rs 10.

Public Spitting has marred each and every place around India. Not just famous monuments, the country's railway stations have to face the disgusting brunt of it all as well. Despite spending enormous amount of money to maintain the premises, all the efforts go in vain as people refuse to cooperate.

Now, the Indian Railways has come up with a way to not only be free from 'pan' and 'gutka' stains, but also do it in an eco-friendly manner. They are gearing up to introduce small bio-degradable spittoons. Reusable in nature, it also has seeds that will grow into plants once it is eventually disposed off.

What Is A 'Spittoon?'

Each year, the Indian Railways spends Rs 1200 crores and thousands of gallons of water to remove the incorrigible stains. With the spittoon, they hope to put this problem to rest once and for all.

According to News 18, the pocket-sized spittoon will be available in all railway stations in a 'spittoon vending machine.' This can be bought by the tobacco-eating public at ₹ 5 and ₹10. The spittoon pouch will have a macromolecule pulp technology. It also contains a material that will combine with the bacteria and virus-filled saliva that is spat into it. Inside, the sputum will absorb it and turn it into a solid material. This, in turn, will act as the seed that will mix with the soil once it is thrown away and grows into a plant.

How Will It Be Available?

The Indian Railways has roped in a startup named 'Ezyspit' that will install such vending machines in railway stations across the country. Speaking to the news organisation, co-founder Ritu Gupta said, "We have signed an agreement with Indian Railways for 42 stations. We have also started installing EasySpit vending machines at some stations."

The 42 stations mentioned will be located in Western Railway, Northern Railway and Central Railway Zones. This is the initial plan after which it will expand to other zones as well, depending on how effective it is.

Within the premises, such kiosks and vending machines will be present at every nook and corner. Any person who wants to buy it can do so. The manufacturers also claim that it can be reused 20 to 25 before it is disposed off for good.

Also Read: Indian Railways Provides Jobs To 2,800 Family Members Of Employees Who Succumbed To COVID

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