Its A Scam: Indian-Origin Man Alleges Mumbai Airport Of Fraud, Minting Money Over COVID Tests

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'It's A Scam': Indian-Origin Man Alleges Mumbai Airport Of Fraud, Minting Money Over COVID Tests

Devyani Madaik
4 Jan 2022 6:55 AM GMT

The man questioned how other passengers of the same flight had 'magically' tested positive right after one day of arriving. He claimed that the report was negative, but authorities allegedly insisted that he was positive, with an intention to mint more money out of them.

An Indian-origin man recently returned from the United Kingdom, alleged the Mumbai Airport authorities of extorting money on the pretext of COVID-19 test and quarantine protocol.

According to the NDTV report, Manoj Ladwa and his wife had arrived at the airport on December 30 to attend his father-in-law's funeral.

Authorities Insisted Negative Reports As Positive

Before boarding the plane from London's Heathrow airport, Ladwa and his wife had gotten themselves tested and resulted negative. The Virgin Atlantic flight they had boarded had examined everyone before letting them board the plane.

But when examined with a lateral flow test at the centre, he tested positive for the virus and 15 other passengers of the same flight. All of them were reportedly shifted to a government-run quarantine facility, due to which he missed the funeral.

Describing his ordeal via Facebook video, Ladwa questioned how other passengers of the same flight had 'magically' tested positive right after one day of arriving. The man claimed that the report was negative, but authorities allegedly insisted that he was positive, with an intention to mint more money out of them.

"Apparently, Virgin let so many of these people on a flight who are all positive but were negative yesterday," Ladwa could be heard saying.

Denied Independent Test

When he demanded an independent test, the authorities reportedly denied it. "Nobody is responsible here; it's a scam; we are being scammed," he said. Another passenger's rage towards the issue could be heard in the background.

Ladwa urged the netizens to connect him to the concerned officials and help the people stuck at the airport.

He also alleged that Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials threatened the passengers of charging if they failed to comply with the orders.

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