Indian Navy Day: PM Modi Remembers Fearless Water Warriors Contribution In Times Of DistressCredits: India Today 

Indian Navy Day: PM Modi Remembers "Fearless" Water Warriors' Contribution In Times Of Distress

Devyani Madaik
4 Dec 2020 12:43 PM GMT

"The Indian Navy fearlessly protects our coasts and also renders humanitarian assistance in times of need. We also remember India's rich maritime tradition over centuries," PM Modi tweeted.

December 4, every year is celebrated as Indian Navy Day to commemorate the Navy's achievement during the 1971 Indo-Pak War.

It was on this day in 1971 when the Indian Navy launched an offensive Operation Trident on Pakistan's port city of Karachi. The Indian Navy successfully sank for Pakistani ships, including the PNS Khaibar, a destroyer and an ammunition supply ship.

The Indian Navy planned the attack at night as Pakistan did not have aircraft that could carry out bombings at night. The attack consisted of 3 Vidyut class missile boats, two anti-submarines and a tanker.

No casualties were reported from India, although five Pakistani sailors and over 700 men were injured. The Indian Navy's three warships - INS Nipat, INS Nirghat and INS Veer played a significant role in the operation.

The day also recalls the achievements of Navy personnel, who are safeguarding the Indian water borders and developing the International Relationship between other countries.

Each year, a different theme is proposed to celebrate the day. This year's theme is 'Indian Navy Combat Ready, Credible & Cohesive'. Previously, the theme was 'Silent, Strong and Swift.

On the occasion, Admiral Karambir Singh, along with Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria, and Vice Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of Integrated Staff committee paid homage to the martyrs at National War Memorial.

The Western Naval Committee in Mumbai paid their homage at the Gaurav Stambh.

Various events take place a week before the Indian Navy Day, including an open sea swimming competition, veteran sailors lunch, performances by the Naval Symphonic Orchestra take place, Indian Navy Inter School Quiz Competition, Marathon and so on. Besides, ships are open for visitors and schoolchildren.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended wishes on the Navy Day and lauded the Navy personnel for their selfless service to the nation.

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