Why India Voted Against UNSC Draft Resolution?

Image Credits: The Economic Times 


Why India Voted Against UNSC Draft Resolution?

Anish Yande
15 Dec 2021 12:11 PM GMT

The draft resolution was co-sponsored by 113 countries, the second-highest number in UNSC's history. However, the resolution failed to be adopted because of a veto from permanent member Russia against the resolution and one abstention from China.

On Monday, 13 December, India voted against a United Nations Security Council's draft resolution to link climate change with global security challenges. India's representative to UN, TS Tirumurti, explained India's position, stating that the draft resolution attempted to 'securitize' climate action undermining hard-won consensus in Glasgow.

Following the COP26 held in Glasgow, UK, from 31 October 2021, Indian Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav, head of the Indian delegation at the Glasgow conference, explained India's position in his blog. "Consensus, however, remained elusive at COP26. India has maintained that unsustainable lifestyles and wasteful consumption patterns have precipitated the current climate crisis, mainly in developed countries. The world needs to awaken to this reality."

From Yadav's words, it is apparent that India is outspoken against the excesses in consumption in developed countries. These ideas are apparent in the speech at UNSC as well, where Ambassador Tirumurti stated, "Ironically, many of the UNSC members are the main contributors of climate change due to historical emissions." Minister Bhupender Yadav stated in his blog that, developing countries have a right to their fair share of the global carbon budget and they are entitled to the responsible use of fossil fuels.

India's Achievements In Climate Change

Ambassador Sandhu from the Ministry of External Affairs illustrated India's achievements in UN Security Council's meeting on 23 September 2021. She asserted that India has the world's fastest-growing solar energy programme and provides clean cooking fuel to cover more than 80 million households. Along with solar energy programmes, 370 million LED light bulbs have been distributed, resulting in a reduction of more than 38 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Within this meeting, Ireland and Niger had proposed the contested zero draft resolution as a central element in the peace and security architecture of the UN.

As per a report by the Security Council, India joined Russia in opposing a draft resolution on climate change in the UNSC. India termed the effort as an attempt of the developed world to "divert" attention from their failure to deliver on commitments on climate justice.

The draft resolution was co-sponsored by 113 countries, the second-highest number in UNSC's history. However, the resolution failed to be adopted because of a veto from permanent member Russia against the resolution and one abstention from China.

Voting Against the UNSC Draft Resolution

A vote on that draft text proposed in 2020 was not conducted because of strong opposition from China, Russia and the US. However, in the following 11 October meeting, China, India, and Russia expressed deep scepticism about the need for Council engagement on this issue.

Security Council report also pointed out that India and Russia apparently highlighted concerns about a "securitised" approach to the issue. The countries voiced their apprehensions that the Council could pursue coercive measures to address the challenges posed by climate change. Russia vocally opposed the inclusion of climate topics to the Security Council with Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy, terming it as "very dangerous" during a 30 November press briefing.

Looking at past comments by India's representatives to the UN, the decision against the resolution does not come as a surprise. Instead, it can be looked at as India's way of asserting its own climate goals, and its cautious approach against the intervention of the Security Council in the method to achieve these goals.

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