India Elected To Be The Member Of Three Principal Bodies Of The UN Economic And Social Council

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India Elected To Be The Member Of Three Principal Bodies Of The UN Economic And Social Council

Anchal Rana
21 April 2021 9:22 AM GMT

India will be required to exchange expertise, experience and information on emerging strategies to tackle crime.

India has been elected to three bodies of United Nations Economic and Social Councils ( UN ECOSOC) bodies on Tuesday. The three bodies are the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), the UN-Women Executive Board, and the Executive Board of the World Food Programme (WFP). India was elected to these bodies for a three-year term commencing on 1 January 2022.

Exchange Of Expertise To Tackle Crime

"India gets elected to three UN ECOSOC bodies: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), Executive Board of UN Women and Executive Board of the World Food Programme," informed the Permanent Mission of India to the UN in a tweet. Founded by the Economic and Social Council, the CCPCJ is the Chief policy-making body of the United Nations (UN) in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice. The member countries of CCPCJ delve into international action to combat national, transnational crime, monitoring and regulating the efficiency and fairness of criminal justice administration systems. As an elected permanent member of CCPCJ, India will be required to exchange expertise, experience and information on emerging strategies to tackle crime.

Building Resilience Against Poverty & Famine

Dr Rajender Bommakanti, Alternative Permanent Representative of India, was elected to the WFP executive board as Vice-President this year. whilst Fernando Carranza Cifuentes, the Ambassador of Guatemala, was nominated as President. The WFP executive board aims and pledges to eliminate food insecurity and hunger, all the while fostering food assistance and resilience in countries mired with poverty and famine. "We have an obligation to make certain that each and every one of those that are working with massive amounts of people get the vaccines that they need so that they can stay healthy," the WFP's Executive director said.

The UN Women Executive Board ensures Gender Equality and Empowerment of women with the means of intergovernmental support. The United Nations Organization checks on the concerns, realities and priorities of women across the globe. The board constitutes 41 member states which are elected by the Economic and Social Council from the United Nation Member States. Last year India was also elected to be a part of the United Nations Commission on Status of Women, which is a body under the Economic and Social Council, as reported by ANI.

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