India Releases Fresh Guidelines For International Passengers Amid Omicron Variant Concerns: Know More

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India Releases Fresh Guidelines For International Passengers Amid 'Omicron' Variant Concerns: Know More

Snehadri Sarkar
30 Nov 2021 9:57 AM GMT

As per the latest guidelines, airlines shall put in place a randomisation process for testing nearly 5% of the passengers on arrival in flights. Furthermore, additional RT-PCR facilities may also be organised at all airports.

Due to the increasing concerns over the new COVID-19 'Omicron' variant, the Center has officially issued new guidelines for international passengers arriving in the country, after many nations recorded the cases of this new variant.

"Separate holding area (while they are waiting for their RT-PCR test results), maybe demarcated for the passengers coming from 'at-risk' countries in each airport, with proper amenities for passengers, ensuring that COVID Appropriate Behavior is strictly followed including protocols to avoid congestion."

What Do The Latest Guidelines Mean?

The latest guidelines further add that airlines shall also put in place an organised randomisation process for testing nearly 5 per cent of the passengers on arrival in flights. Additional RT-PCR facilities may also be organised at all airports.

Meanwhile, the GMR spokesperson stated that they are fully aware of the implementation of the new advisory and are prepared to make all required arrangements on time, while also keeping in mind passenger convenience and the latest guidelines.

"We have made similar arrangements earlier as well during previous waves of the pandemic. We will ensure adherence to COVID-19 protocol during the stay of passengers inside the terminal,"

the spokesperson was further quoted as saying by ANI.

As a result of the new guidelines, Genestrings lab is setting up its staff at the Delhi airport for running tests on the passengers for COVID on arrival to further increase the testing capacity due to Delhi airport on average receiving massive international arrival passengers.

India Extends Help

While extending solidarity towards nations, particularly in Africa, who are fighting against the 'Omicron' (B.1.1.529 variant) of COVID outbreak, India stated on November 29 that it is ready to provide Made-in India vaccines, test kits, PPE kits, gloves, essential life-saving drugs, and any other medical equipment such as ventilators.

The statement also added that India stands ready to help all the nations who are affected in Africa in their fight against the B.1.1.529 variant, which includes supplying the counties with Made-in-India COVID vaccines. These earlier-mentioned supplies can be undertaken bilaterally or COVAX.

Furthermore, the Government of India has also cleared all the orders placed by COVAX for the supplies of Covishield COVID vaccines so far including to African nations like Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Lesotho and Guinea.

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