India Ranks 90 Among 181 Nations Vulnerbale To Natural Disasters

Image Credit: Hindustan Times


India Ranks 90 Among 181 Nations Vulnerbale To Natural Disasters

Madhusree Goswami
21 Oct 2021 7:57 AM GMT

The World Risk Index (WRI) 2020 report throws light on countries that are at the highest risk of extreme natural disasters. A total of 10 island states are among the 15 countries with the highest disaster risk.

The World Risk Index (WRI) 2020 report throws light on countries that are at the highest risk of extreme natural disasters. A total of 10 island states are among the 15 countries with the highest disaster risk. Their risk profile is increasingly also determined by sea-level rise.

The places most at risk are Vanuatu, a South Pacific Ocean nation. Due to its location on an active tectonic plate boundary, earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons are common around the island nation. Vanuatu is These nations are at the highest risk of extreme natural disasters, including a rise in sea levels.Vanutau is followed by Solomon Islands and Tonga.

In terms of continents, Ocenia is the most at risk followed by Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Africa is the continent with the highest overall societal vulnerability. Twelve of the 15 most vulnerable nations in the world are located there. Europe has by far the lowest disaster risk among all continents.

India's Ranking On The Index

Among 181 countries on the index, India ranked 90 among and has a score of 6.65 which is calculated based on exposure, vulnerability, susceptibility, lack of coping capacities and lack of adoptive capabilities to deal with climate reality making it vulnerable to extreme natural calamities, reported Moneycontrol.

Also, African countries including Nigeria, Haiti, Cameroon, Niger, and Gambia, are also among countries with high risk of extreme natural disasters. Among Asian countries, India's neighbours Pakistan ranks 85, while Bangladesh and Sri Lanka stand at 13th and 75th place, respectively.The countries least at risk are Estonia, Egypt, and Iceland.

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