Paks List Of Terrorists Omits Key Conspirators Of 26/11 Mumbai Attacks: Ministry Of External Affairs

Image Credit: India Today


'Pak's List Of Terrorists Omits Key Conspirators Of 26/11 Mumbai Attacks': Ministry Of External Affairs

Navya Singh
13 Nov 2020 4:56 AM GMT

"Pakistan is yet to show sincerity in delivering justice to the families of 166 victims from 15 countries across the globe, even as we near the 12th anniversary of 26/11 attacks," spokesperson in the Ministry of External Affairs Anurag Srivastava said.

India has rejected Pakistan's recent list of 'most wanted/high profiles terrorists' terrorists involved in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, as it "glaringly omits the mastermind and key conspirators of the heinous terror strike".

The spokesperson in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Anurag Srivastava said that India has repeatedly called on Pakistan "to give up its obfuscation and dilatory tactics in discharging its international obligations in the trial of Mumbai terror attacks."

"We have seen media reports in Pakistan about Pakistan's Federal Investigative Agency (FIA) releasing an updated 'book on most wanted/high profile terrorists' listing several Pakistani nationals involved in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks," he said.

"While the list includes a select few members of the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, an UN-designated terror entity based in Pakistan, including the crew members of the boats used to execute the 26/11 attack, it glaringly omits the mastermind and key conspirators of the heinous terror attack," Srivastava said.

As per reports, at least 19 terrorists were named in the list as those involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The list includes people who purchased Yamaha Motorboat engine, life jackets, inflatable boats etc. from ARZ water sport Karachi, name of crew members of the boat named 'Al Hussaini', that was used to transport the terrorists from Karachi to reach the shores of Mumbai, financiers who arranged foreign currency to obtain Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) connection for terrorist Communication.

"It is a fact that the 26/11 terror attack was planned, executed and launched from Pakistan's territory. The list makes it clear that Pakistan possesses all the necessary information and evidence on the conspirators and facilitators of the Mumbai terror attack based in Pakistan," Srivastava said.

On November 26, 2008, a group of Pakistani terrorists entered Mumbai through the sea, arriving by boat from Karachi, and carried out coordinated and a series of attacks on the main Chattrapati Shivaji railway terminus, the Taj Mahal hotel, the Trident hotel, and a Jewish centre.

At least 166 people including 28 foreigners were killed in the 60-hour attack.

"It is a matter of serious concern that despite its own public acknowledgement as well as the availability of all necessary evidence, including that shared by India, Pakistan is yet to show sincerity in delivering justice to the families of 166 victims from 15 countries across the globe, even as we near the 12th anniversary of 26/11 attacks," Srivastava said.

He also said that several other countries have called upon Pakistan to expeditiously bring the perpetrators of the dastardly terror attacks to justice.

Also Read: Pakistan's Most Wanted List Names 2008 Mumbai Attack Terrorists, Financiers

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