India Declines UNs Offer Of Assistance Of Integrated Supply Chain Of COVID Related Material

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India Declines UN's Offer Of Assistance Of Integrated Supply Chain Of COVID Related Material

Susmita Modak
29 April 2021 11:43 AM GMT

Farhan Haq, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres's Deputy Spokesperson, said they had informed India the willingness to help in the event of a spike in corona cases, but India had declined the offer.

According to a spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, India has declined the UN's offer of assistance with its integrated supply chain for COVID19-related material, claiming that it already has a "robust infrastructure" in place to handle the necessary logistics.

Farhan Haq, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres's Deputy Spokesperson, said they had informed India the willingness to help in the event of a spike in corona cases, but India had declined the offer. India has replied conveying satisfaction with the robust mechanism already in place to combat COVID. The UN also said that we would continue to stick to their proposal if India needs assistance anytime.

Every Country Have To Cooperate With Each Other

According to Haq, one of the lessons that must be clear at this stage is that the COVID-19 pandemic will not be solved for any nation until it is essentially confronted and defeated in every country. He stated that various countries are progressing by following various norms provided by World Health Organization, including vaccinations, quarantines, etc. He said each and every country have to cooperate with each other to defeat the virus. He mentioned with gratitude that India did a lot to ensure that #Vaccines4All is available in vulnerable countries. It is past time for the international community to assist and help India, reported NDTV.

UN In India At Full Throttle

UN agencies have been educating health workers, including 10,000 nurses, through UN Women programs, and that the UN team has collaborated with employers and workers' organizations to support career and entrepreneurship opportunities. The UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the International Labour Organization (ILO) set up 11 support desks and on-site counselling activities on COVID-19 prevention and business continuity, and these have benefited over 140,000 workers. UNIDO has created an online platform dedicated to small businesses to help them recover from the crisis, while the ILO assisted over 100,000 self-employed people in gaining access to social security and protection and health training.

Also Read: UK Prioritizes Vaccines For Its Citizens - No Excess Vaccine To Give To India, Says UK PM's Spokesman

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