IIT Madras Designs Indigenous Mobile Operating System To Provide Security & Privacy To Users; All You Need To Know

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Tamil Nadu

IIT Madras Designs Indigenous Mobile Operating System To Provide Security & Privacy To Users; All You Need To Know

Ronit Kumar Singh
20 Jan 2023 11:19 AM GMT

An IIT-Madras incubated firm has designed and developed a made-in-India operating system (OS) for mobile phones that can benefit over 100 crore mobile phone owners in India. Considering users' security and privacy, the OS has been developed.

After the indigenous 5G services, India now has an indigenous operating system (OS) developed by the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M). The 'BharOS' has been designed and developed to meet the security and privacy requirement of the users.

Such tech innovation in the country is expected to contribute hugely towards the centre's 'Atmannirbhar Bharat' (Self-Reliant) India. The OS has the potential to benefit over 100 crore mobile phone owners across the country with enhanced security and privacy features.

The IIT Madras officials conducted a press conference on January 19 (Thursday) to announce the made-in-India operating system. For now, the 'BharOS' service will be provided to businesses and organisations with security and privacy concerns where users handle sensitive information requiring a secure network for communication.

According to an official statement, the OS has been developed by the IIT-M Pravartak Technologies Foundation incubated firm- J and K Operations Private Limited.

Know About Its Features

The made-in-India operating system has numerous features, including BharOS No Default Apps (NDA), allowing mobile phone owners to use the applications they are familiar with or trust, reported India Today.

Such an approach towards mobile phones also allows the user to have more control over the applications' permissions on their phones. According to IIT-M, users can choose only to allow apps they rely upon to access specific data or features on their mobile phones.

While commenting on the BharOS service, the director of IIT Madras, Professor V Kamakoti, said, "BharOS Service is a Mobile Operating System built on a foundation of trust, with a focus on providing users more freedom, control, and flexibility to choose and use only the apps that fit their needs. This innovative system promises to revolutionise how users think about security and privacy on their mobile devices."

The OS also provides access to reliable and trustworthy apps from organisation-specific PASS- Private App Store Services. A user that has PASS in their device can access the pre-made list of apps that the makers have already verified to meet certain security and privacy standards.

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