ICMR Approves Home-Based COVID Testing Kit: All You Need To Know

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ICMR Approves Home-Based COVID Testing Kit: All You Need To Know

Madhusree Goswami
20 May 2021 7:28 AM GMT

The self-testing kit is prized at ₹ 250. The Indian Council of Medical Research has, however, advised against indiscriminate testing and said that it should be used only on symptomatic individuals and immediate contacts of lab-confirmed positive cases.

India on Wednesday, May 19, approved the first home-based testing kit for COVID-19 which can furnish the results within 15 minutes.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) gave its approval to Coviself, a rapid antigen test kit manufactured by Pune-based Mylab Discovery Solutions, reported Scroll. The medical research body has, however, advised against indiscriminate testing.

Who Can Use It?

Using the kit is advised only by symptomatic individuals and immediate contacts of laboratory-confirmed positive cases.

Reports have stated that the kit would enhance the overall testing capacity and would prove beneficial to people in rural areas as such regions are devoid of robust healthcare infrastructure. Additionally, it would prevent symptomatic people from venturing out for testing thereby lowering the risk of transmission.

How To Use It

The kit will come with a user manual. The council too has provided video links for the benefit of users. Users will have to download the Mylab app from Google Play Store and Apple Store on their phones and fill in their credentials. The test will have to be conducted as per the procedure described in the user manual.

After taking the test, users will have to capture a picture of the test strip. They have to use the same mobile phone that was used for downloading the app and user registration.

The council said that the data from the phone will be centrally captured in a secure server that is connected with the ICMR COVID-19 testing portal, where all data will be eventually stored.

One has to wait for 15 minutes for the results to appear on the application. Any result appearing after 20 minutes is considered to be invalid.

What Happens After The Result?

All those who test positive do not require any additional testing as this self-test will be the final verdict. The ones testing negative may opt for RT-PCR testing and may be considered as suspected COVID cases.

What Is The Cost Of The Kit?

The kit will cost ₹ 250, according to Hindustan Times.

Making testing widely available and accessible and reduce the burden on laboratories. Till May 19, India tested 32,23,56,187 samples for COVID.

Also Read: 'Lockdown Should Be Extended To Six-Eight Weeks': ICMR Chief

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