Indian Cellular Body Urges Govt  To Extend PC Import Restrictions By 9 Months

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Indian Cellular Body Urges Govt To Extend PC Import Restrictions By 9 Months

Shirsha Ganguly
2 Sep 2023 8:48 AM GMT

This plea comes amid concerns over the global semiconductor shortage and its impact on the supply chain, which has left businesses and consumers alike grappling with increased prices and delays in acquiring essential computing devices.

The Indian Cellular Association, a prominent industry body representing the interests of mobile and electronics manufacturers, has submitted a formal request to the Indian government for an extension of import curbs on personal computers. These curbs, initially implemented as a measure to bolster the country's 'Make in India' initiative and reduce dependency on foreign-made electronic products, are set to expire in the next few months. However, the ICA argues that an extension is necessary due to the ongoing global semiconductor crisis, which has disrupted supply chains worldwide.

India, like many other nations, has experienced a surge in demand for personal computers, laptops, and tablets as remote work and online education became the new norm during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the semiconductor shortage has caused significant delays in the production of these devices, leading to price hikes and stock shortages. The ICA believes that extending the import restrictions will help mitigate the adverse effects of the semiconductor shortage on the Indian market. Mr. Rajesh Sharma, the President of the Indian Cellular Association, stated, "The global semiconductor crisis has made it difficult for domestic manufacturers to meet the surging demand for PCs. An extension of the import curbs will provide a buffer period for our industry to adapt and continue contributing to the 'Make in India' initiative."

The ICA's proposal aims to strike a balance between supporting domestic PC manufacturing and ensuring affordable access to computing devices for Indian consumers. While the organization recognizes the importance of nurturing the local industry, it also acknowledges the immediate needs of students, professionals, and businesses that rely on personal computers for education and work. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is currently reviewing the ICA's request, taking into consideration the economic implications, the semiconductor supply outlook, and the overall impact on consumers. The decision will be a critical one, as it will determine whether India continues with its efforts to reduce dependency on foreign-made electronics or prioritizes immediate accessibility and affordability for its citizens.

The Indian Cellular Association's call for a nine-month extension of import restrictions on personal computers has added a new dimension to the ongoing debate surrounding India's 'Make in India' initiative. With the global semiconductor shortage affecting supply chains and increasing prices, the government faces a challenging decision. Balancing the interests of domestic manufacturing and the immediate needs of consumers and businesses will require a thoughtful and well-informed approach. As the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology deliberates on this matter, the outcome will not only shape the future of the Indian PC market but also impact the nation's aspirations for self-sufficiency in the electronics sector.

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