Google Pays Special Tribute To Holocaust Victim Anne Frank With Animated Diary Doodles- Heres Why!

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Google Pays Special Tribute To Holocaust Victim Anne Frank With Animated Diary Doodles- Here's Why!

Snehadri Sarkar
25 Jun 2022 4:16 AM GMT

The doodles were made by Google Doodle art director Thoka Maer as the German illustrator cited Jewish German-Dutch diarist Anne Frank's sense of commitment to preserving the memory of the holocaust as a significant factor in the illustration process.

Google honoured Jewish German-Dutch diarist Anne Frank on Saturday (June 25) in their own unique way. Anne Frank's diary, which she wrote between the age of 13 and 15, got officially published 75 years ago on this very day. In her diary, Anne had described the entire holocaust that she managed to survive and all the war events - as one of the most impactful and most-read narratives to date.

Google Pays Tribute To Anne Frank

The Google search engine is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the publication of Anne Frank's diary -- "The Diary of a Young Girl" -- with an animated slideshow. Google's Doodle about Anne defines what she and the members of her family witnessed during the Nazi oppression. The place of her hiding was located in her father's office building.

The doodles were made by Google Doodle art director Thoka Maer as the German illustrator cited her sense of commitment to preserving the memory of the holocaust as a significant factor in the illustration process.

All You Need To Know About Anne Frank!

Born in Germany's Frankfurt on June 12 1929, Anne Frank and her family were soon forced to move to Amsterdam in the Netherlands to escape the prejudice and violence faced by millions of minorities at the hands of the rising Nazi Party.

In 1942, Anne and her family members, along with her four other Jewish friends, were forced to hide in a secret annexe in their father's office building in an attempt to avoid persecution.

Anne's "The Diary of a Young Girl" reportedly sold over 30 million copies across the world since it was first published on June 25 1947, as per a report in NDTV and has also been translated into 67 different languages as well.

One of the most well-known quotes from her diary still remains: "Although I'm only fourteen, I know quite well what I want, I know who is right and who is wrong. I have my opinions, my own ideas and principles, and although it may sound pretty mad from an adolescent, I feel more of a person than a child, I feel quite independent of anyone."

In the August of 1944, the Frank family got captured by the Nazi Secret Service, and after their arrests, Anne and her elder sister Margot Frank were brought to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp by Nazi forces in Germany, where they died a few months later.

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