Know How Gig Work Helped This Man From Delhi To Overcome Pandemic Challenges

Image Credit: Karan Singh, Pixabay (Representational)


Know How Gig Work Helped This Man From Delhi To Overcome Pandemic Challenges

Ronit Kumar Singh
29 Oct 2022 5:16 AM GMT

A Paschim Vihar resident, Karan Singh, is a father of two young daughters and worked as a construction worker. When the announcement of COVID-19-induced restrictions flooded the news, construction work across the nation came to a halt.

The globe witnessed the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, a disease that damaged almost all spheres of life. The world came to a standstill- economies crashed, the overall health of people worsened, and uncertainty rose. As employment options dwindled, the sector-agnostic anxiety of sustaining a livelihood only increased.

However, the informal sector was hit the worst. The pandemic shook the labour force, giving way to structural shifts and focusing more on gig economy jobs. Incidentally, with the penetration of e-commerce and transportation services in India, employment in the informal sector has consistently surged.

Their presence in the country has addressed the problem of under- and unemployment to a great extent, with roles such as driver partners and delivery personnel seeing incremental growth. Since then, gig workers have been in demand, particularly in the transportation, shared services, and logistics segments.

Working in a unique employment model with the freedom to transition between jobs and work flexible hours, people could continue earning as the country attempted to recover from the brunt of this unprecedented socio-economic change.

However, the popularity of the gig economy sustained even as the effects of the pandemic started to wear off in its aftermath. According to 'India's Booming Gig and Platform Economy', a policy brief published by NITI Aayog, India is home to approximately 7.7 million gig workers. By 2029-2030, this figure is expected to rise to 23.5 million.

A significant share of this population is concentrated in the National Capital Territory, making Delhi the hub of livelihood opportunities for gig workers, with nearly 1.5 million in transport services alone.

Know How Gig Work Helped This Delhite

One of the many success stories that emerged from the tumultuous period of the pandemic is that of Karan Singh. A Paschim Vihar, Delhi resident, who has been a captain at a leading bike-taxi service headquartered in Bengaluru since early 2021. As a father to two very young daughters, Karan worked as a construction worker while his wife took care of the responsibilities at home.

A regular day in his life requires juggling many roles- an efficient employee, a responsible father, and a caring husband. When the announcement of covid-induced restrictions flooded the news, construction work across the nation came to a halt.

Naturally, Karan, like most others in the country, was left brimming with worry. The burden of making ends meet looked heavier than ever before, leaving no choice but to adapt and persevere. Not only did he have to care for his two very young daughters and a wife, but he also had to find a job when employment was in a crunch.

With the advice of a trusted friend, he decided to use his last remaining savings to lease a second-hand scooter and become a delivery partner for a leading e-commerce platform. By this time, the status of a 'frontline worker' mandated by the government allowed him to continue earning when most sectors bore the brunt of an unprecedented socio-economic change.

It wasn't much, but it gave them a push. Soon, his wife, Sarita, was also able to find herself a job, and their situation started to get better. While Karan made deliveries throughout the city, Sarita stayed home with the kids and vice versa.

Delivering essential goods was the first step toward his transition to becoming a platform worker. Karan shifted to passenger transport as the situation worsened and restrictions were lifted. He enjoyed a new sense of independence as a captain at a bike-taxi service platform.

While sharing the information with The Logical Indian, the person mentioned that he felt stable for the first time in his life. Not only was he setting an example for his children, but he was also growing each day and doing better for himself. The flexible hours, the incentivised model of work, and the ability to travel the city while earning money were just a few perks he enjoyed.

Battling with adversities from a young age, Karan and his wife stand as an inspiration to many. Navigating professional and familial duties equally between one another is not just a personal feat but also a challenge to social norms in a patriarchal society.

Rise Of Gig Work

For most informal workers, particularly the young population, gig work has created many opportunities, making social mobility a realistic possibility. As an emerging new form of work, the sector shows potential to be a significant driving force in the country's economic and social development, including job creation, innovation, contribution to the GDP, and inclusion and empowerment of the citizens.

The flexibility and multiple avenues of income found in gig work give space to people from different backgrounds to excel, eliminating barriers of gender, location, religion, and caste.

Karan remains thankful for the opportunity to work as a captain and wishes to teach his daughters how to drive in the future, too, letting no societal standard hinder their paths in life. He continues to be an unstoppable force, covering greater distances by the day, both literal and metaphorical.

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