Alarming Study Uncovers Household Substances Impact on Gene Activity Control Mechanisms

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Alarming Study Uncovers Household Substance's Impact on Gene Activity Control Mechanisms

Tanya Chaturvedi
8 Nov 2023 11:17 AM GMT

The team of researchers highlighted that formaldehyde hinders the crucial process of methylation, responsible for the regulation of epigenetic activity.

In a recent breakthrough, a collaborative study led by the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) in Barcelona, Spain, has shed light on the concerning impacts of formaldehyde on human health. The research, published in the esteemed journal Science, reveals that the common chemical, found in various household and cosmetic products, can lead to the modification of normal epigenetic patterns, thereby potentially contributing to the development of diseases including cancer, asthma, and fatty liver degeneration.

The team of researchers highlighted that formaldehyde hinders the crucial process of methylation, responsible for the regulation of epigenetic activity.The team of researchers highlighted that formaldehyde hinders the crucial process of methylation, responsible for the regulation of epigenetic activity. Through their investigation, they uncovered that exposure to formaldehyde prompts the loss of methylation of histones, essential proteins that oversee DNA packaging and the functioning of multiple genes.

Study author Manel Esteller, who serves as the Director of IJC, underscored the ease with which formaldehyde can infiltrate the body, primarily through respiration, and emphasized its pervasive presence in various cells due to its high solubility in water. Lucas Pontel, another key contributor to the study, accentuated the hazardous properties of formaldehyde, even when generated internally via the metabolism of certain dietary substances like aspartame.

Pontel further warned that the natural production of formaldehyde within cells poses a considerable risk, being a known mutagen that can significantly heighten the risk of cancer.

While acknowledging the ongoing efforts by international health authorities to restrict the usage of formaldehyde, Esteller emphasized that the chemical remains prevalent in industries involving resin manufacturing, plastic production, industrial foundries, and cosmetics. As such, he stressed the urgent need for comprehensive environmental and health policies to curtail human exposure to formaldehyde, which can also emanate from the combustion of automobile gasoline and tobacco smoke.

The findings of this research underscore the critical significance of understanding the hazardous implications of formaldehyde and call for immediate action to mitigate its detrimental effects on public health.

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