Employees Ready To Accept Pay Cut In Exchange For Flexibility Of Working Remotely: Report

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Employees Ready To Accept Pay Cut In Exchange For Flexibility Of Working Remotely: Report

Shiva Chaudhary
27 Dec 2022 8:43 AM GMT

The ADP Research Institute's People at Work 2022: A Global Workforce View surveyed about 33,000 employees across 17 nations and found that over 7 in 10 seek more flexibility in how they structure their working time.

A considerable percentage of employees demand more flexibility in their working lives and are set to make compromises to receive it. The ADP Research Institute's People at Work 2022: A Global Workforce View surveyed about 33,000 employees across 17 nations and found that over 7 in 10 seek more flexibility in how they structure their working time.

According to the research, 76.07 per cent of workers said they would rather have control over work hours, adding they would accept a pay cut in exchange for the flexibility of working remotely or having an opportunity to be alternating between home and office.

New Job If Asked To Return To Work Full-Time

The report stated that in India, about 76.83 per cent of workers would look for a new job if asked to work full-time, as per NDTV.

Rahul Goyal, the Managing Director (MD), South East Asia & India, ADP, said, "Currently, there is a need for innovative alternative options to the traditional nine-to-five to keep employees satisfied at work. Offering more flexibility and control over employees' work-life is worth considering as they have endured immense pressure during the pandemic and have proved to be important assets through their continuous performance."

Goyal added that not too long ago, concepts like adopting a flextime system and the potential for changing employees' work schedules to four days a week would have been sneered at. But presently, they merit serious consideration to retain and draw in the most suitable talent. Further, people who work from home also discuss career advancement with their companies more often.

Other Research Findings

Further, according to the research, approximately 73 per cent believe they are seen and valued even when they work from home, and 74 per cent say their employers are receptive to discussions about the need for upskilling and additional training. Furthermore, 56 per cent of employees report feeling supported by their supervisors about their mental health at work, even while working from home.

The report noted that introducing human resource (HR) management tools and platforms that permit visibility of HRM data might improve decision-making, foster a more cohesive workplace culture and increase employee and company loyalty.

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