Mid-Air Turbulence: DGCA Orders Probe Into SpiceJet Mumbai-Durgapur Flight incident, Reports Awaited

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Mid-Air Turbulence: DGCA Orders Probe Into SpiceJet Mumbai-Durgapur Flight incident, Reports Awaited

Shashwat Swaroop Garg
3 May 2022 7:31 AM GMT

A 42-seconds-long video of the incident showing what was happening on the flight surfaced online, which also showed chaos onboard the flight as passengers scrambled to understand what was happening.

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), on Monday, said it will deploy a team that will probe the turbulence incident on SpiceJet's flight from Mumbai to Durgapur. In the incident, 15 people were injured.

In a statement to PTI, Arun Kumar, the chief of DGCA, said, "We have deputed a multidisciplinary team to carry out a regulatory investigation (into this incident)," reported Economic Times.

A video of the incident showing what was happening on the flight surfaced online. The clip, which is 42-seconds long, shows chaos onboard the flight as passengers scramble to understand what was happening. The passengers can be heard nervously chattering to each other, with oxygen masks and overhead luggage dropping down.

What Does SpiceJet State?

A spokesperson from SpiceJet said, "Eleven passengers travelling on SpiceJet flight SG-945 from Mumbai to Durgapur on May 1, which encountered severe turbulence during descent which unfortunately resulted in injuries to a few passengers, were hospitalized," reported the publication. They added that help was provided as soon as the flight landed, and eight of the injured people had already been discharged.

The spokesperson further said that when the aircraft encountered turbulence, the seatbelt sign was on, and they further added that multiple announcements were made by the pilots and the crew instructing passengers to remain seated and keep their seatbelts fastened.

As per the sources, the aircraft took off from Mumbai at around 5 pm and was supposed to land at Kazi Nazrul Islam Airport at Andal at around 7.30 pm.

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