Over 300 Pak Twitter Handles Created To Disrupt Farmers Tractor Rally On Republic Day: Delhi Police

Image Credit: Daily Hunt


'Over 300 Pak Twitter Handles Created To Disrupt Farmers' Tractor Rally On Republic Day': Delhi Police

Navya Singh
25 Jan 2021 3:18 AM GMT

"There is a threat perception that Pak-based terrorist groups can create some trouble. Mischievous elements can create a law-and-order situation. The 308 Twitter handles originating from Pakistan have been pushing hashtags linked to the farmers' protest and the tractor rally," Delhi Police said.

More than 300 Twitter handles traced to Pakistan have been created to disrupt the farmer's tractor rally against centre's contentious farm laws on Republic Day, January 26, the Delhi Police claimed on Sunday, January 24.

Deependra Pathak, Special Commissioner of Police (Intelligence) said that the rally on Tuesday will be conducted amid tight security after the Republic Day celebrations conclude, NDTV reported.

"Over 300 Twitter handles have been generated from Pakistan during January 13 to 18 to disrupt the tractor rally by farmers only by misleading people. There are inputs about the same from different agencies too. It will be a challenging task for us, but the rally will be conducted amid tight security after the Republic Day parade is over," Pathak said.

The police said that the Pakistani Twitter handles have been pushing hashtags to disturb the farmers' protest.

"There is a threat perception that Pakistan-based terrorist groups can create some trouble. Mischievous elements can create a law-and-order situation. The 308 Twitter handles originating from Pakistan have been pushing hashtags linked to the farmers' protest and the tractor rally," Pathak added.

Since November last year, farmers have been protesting the government's three contentious farm laws at several Delhi border points. The farmers have demanded that the legislations be repealed.

While the police tried to persuade farmer leaders to hold their tractor rally outside Delhi, the farmers have maintained that they will hold the proposed rally on Delhi's Outer Ring Road.

Also Read: Madhya Pradesh: Clashes At Congress Farm Protest; Cops Use Tear Gas, Water Cannons

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