Leicester Communal Clash: Indian High Commission In London Condemns Violence, Heres All Your Need To Know

Image Credits: Twitter/ Martin Daubney


Leicester Communal Clash: Indian High Commission In London Condemns Violence, Here's All Your Need To Know

Ronit Kumar Singh
20 Sep 2022 6:04 AM GMT

The Indian High Commission in London has expressed their strong protest against the violence and condemned the vandalising of the temple in UK’s Leicester. The commission has sought action against the people involved in the attack.

The Indian High Commission in London condemned the temple's vandalisation and expressed strong protest against the violence witnessed by the Indian community. The potent response came after several videos surfaced showing the temple being vandalised and the saffron flag being pulled down by an unidentified person in the East Leicester area of the United Kingdom (UK) on Saturday (September 17).

The Indian High Commission in London has sought immediate action against the people involved in the violence. The statement reads, "We have strongly taken up this matter with the UK authorities and have sought immediate action against those involved in these attacks. We call on the authorities to protect the affected people."

The incidents of clashes between Hindu and Muslim groups in Leicester follow an India-Pakistan Asia Cup cricket match on August 28 in Dubai, where India registered a win. The Indian community in Leicester, after taking permission from the police, celebrated the victory. On September 4, Pakistan registered the win in the second face-to-face match. According to sources, the reported violence has its roots in these cricket matches.

Leicestershire Police Calls To Stay Calm

According to the Leicestershire Police, 47 people have been arrested so far, those found involved in the violence. The police said, "Several incidents of violence and damage were reported, and a probe is underway." According to reports, several homes and vehicles belonging to the Hindu community are also targeted by radical Islamists in Leicester.

The Leicestershire Police Temporary Chief Constable Rob Nixon, in a video message, said, "We have had numerous reports of disorder on the streets of Leicester tonight, Saturday, September 17. We have got officers there, we are taking control of the situation, there are additional officers en route, and dispersal powers, stop search powers, have been authorised. Please do not get involved. We are calling for calm."

Meanwhile, the Leicestershire Police has denied the claim of an attack on properties owned by Muslim communities by a group chanting 'Jai Shree Ram' slogans, reported India Today. Many Indian community members living in Leicester have expressed their concern and said it's no safer to live in this place.

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