Chinese Soldier Involved In Galwan Valley Clash Chosen As Torchbearer In Beijing Winter Olympics

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Chinese Soldier Involved In Galwan Valley Clash Chosen As Torchbearer In Beijing Winter Olympics

Shiva Chaudhary
3 Feb 2022 10:22 AM GMT

Qi Fabao, who was involved in the June 2020 Galwan Valley clash was one of the participants of the torch relay ceremony and was reported as a "hero" by Chinese media.

A regiment commander of the People's Liberation Army who was involved in the June 2020 Galwan Valley clash with Indian troops in Eastern Ladakh was one of the torchbearers of the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 on February 2.

Qi Fabao, who had sustained a head injury during the high-altitude clash, was one of the participants of the torch relay ceremony and was reported as a "hero" after inclusion among the Games' 1200 torchbearers.

"Qi Fabao, a PLA regiment commander who sustained head injury while fighting bravely in the Galwan Valley border skirmish with India, is a torchbearer during Wednesday's Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Torch Relay," Global Times, an English language newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party's flagship People's Daily wrote on Twitter.

China's Military Commission had conferred Qi Fabao with the title of "hero regiment commander for defending the border," reported the Indian Express.

US Calls It Shameful

China's this move has been construed as to its expression of hostile sentiment towards India.

United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Jim Risch called the move shameful. He called out China, stating that it chose a torchbearer involved in a clash with India in 2020.

"It's shameful that Beijing chose a torchbearer for the Olympics2022 who's part of the military command that attacked India in 2020 and is implementing genocide against the Uyghurs. The U.S. will cont. to support Uyghur freedoms & the sovereignty of India," Jim Risch wrote on Twitter.

Galwan Valley Clash

A year and a half ago, the violent clash between Indian and Chinese troops was the worst since the 1962 war. It resulted in casualties on both sides; 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese soldiers were killed in action. However, the Indian Army maintains China suffered more losses.

Time and again, China has used pictures and symbolism related to clash and the valley, projecting that it had the upper hand in the conflicts. Both nations are embroiled in political, diplomatic and military talks to resolve the standoff that started in May 2020.

Since then, several rounds of military and diplomatic talks have been held, but primarily they have ended in a deadlock.

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