Centre Dismisses New York Times Overstated Report On Indias COVID-19 Deaths As Baseless

Image Credit: NDTV


Centre Dismisses New York Times Overstated Report On India's COVID-19 Deaths As 'Baseless'

Rakshitha R
28 May 2021 2:15 PM GMT

The media report published on Tuesday, May 25, that India's death count was more likely three times the official 3 lakh, basing it on data from three nationwide sero surveys or antibody tests.

The Centre trashed New York Times report that read India's COVID-19 deaths were severely undercounted and underreported, as "baseless".

"The NYT report is not backed by any evidence and is based on distorted estimates," said VK Paul, NITI Aayog member and the head of India's COVID-19 task force, reported NDTV.

The media report published on Tuesday, May 25, that India's death count was more likely three times the official 3 lakh, basing it on data from three nationwide sero surveys or antibody tests.

The report also claimed that the official figures in India "grossly understate the true scale of the pandemic in the country." The article by the New York Times also offered several scenarios and estimated 42 lakh deaths in the worst case.

Dr Paul maintained it was possible that the number of infections was many times higher than positive COVID-19 tests but it could not be the same for deaths.

He added, "There may be some late reporting of deaths but there's no intent of any state or the Centre. If I apply the same three times yardstick to New York, then there would be 50,000 deaths. But they say it's 16,000. So this is distorted."

"Our number (fatality) is 0.05 per cent of those infected. They've said 0.3 per cent. Why? On what basis have you decided that it's 0.3 per cent of that large infection universe? There is no basis at all. Five people get together, make phone calls to each other and then throw this number. That's how this report has been done," alleged Dr Paul.

The Health Ministry said there had been a steady decline in new COVID-19 cases for the last 20 days, with 24 states witnessing a dip in active cases.

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