Brazil Protests: Over 3,000 Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Presidential Palace, Supreme Court; All You Need To Know

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Brazil Protests: Over 3,000 Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Presidential Palace, Supreme Court; All You Need To Know

Ronit Kumar Singh
9 Jan 2023 7:17 AM GMT

The supporters of former Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro have stormed the public institutions- the presidential palace, supreme court, and the Congress. The pro-Bolsonaro protestors pushing riot in the capital Brasilia were detained.

As many as 3,000 supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro stormed into the country's public institutions on Sunday (December 8)- the Congress, presidential palace, and the Supreme Court. The security forces used tear gas and defense equipment to displace the crowd.

The Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has also instructed federal security in Brasilia to intervene until January 31 after removing the protesters from the site. The Brazilian president, who defeated Bolsonaro in a close fight last year, is conducting several rounds of meeting to restore peace.

'People Who Did This Will Be Punished'

According to officials, many pro-Bolsonaro protestors were seen in yellow and green, pushing riot in the capital on Sunday. This protest has a high chance of increasing the legal risks Bolsonaro is already facing since he lost the election to the current president. Currently, he is not in Brazil, as the report confirms his stay in Florida, the United States (US).

In a press conference, the president, Lula da Silva said, "These vandals, who we could call fanatical Nazis, fanatical Stalinists ... fanatical fascists, did what has never been done in the history of this country. All these people who did this will be found, and they will be punished," India Today reported.

According to police officials, various public property losses have been reported from the capital city. As many as 300 protestors have been arrested, and the Brazilian police are expected to investigate until the last member is identified.

Leaders From Across World React

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, condemned the attack, mentioning it as an assault on democracy. He said, " I condemn the assault on democracy and the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil. Brazil's democratic institutions have our full support, and the will of the Brazilian people must not be undermined. I look forward to continuing to work with Lula Da Silva."

General Antonio Guterres, the secretary of the United Nations, also expressed his disregard for the protest. He mentioned, "I condemn today's assault on Brazil's democratic institutions. The will of the Brazilian people and the country's institutions must be respected."

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has also expressed his concerns by mentioning, "Deeply concerned about the news of rioting and vandalism against the State institutions in Brasilia. Democratic traditions must be respected by everyone. We extend our full support to the Brazilian authorities. @LulaOficial."

The protest in Brazil over the transfer of powers quite well resembles the protest that occurred in the US after pro-Donald Trump protestors stormed into Congress over the victory of Joe Biden. The police administration clashed with the protestors, resulting in several injuries and casualties.

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