BJP Marks One Year Of Abolition Of Triple Talaq As Muslim Mahila Adhikar Diwas

BJP Marks One Year Of Abolition Of Triple Talaq As 'Muslim Mahila Adhikar Diwas'

Navya Singh
31 July 2020 9:50 AM GMT

Union Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on July 29 said that there has been a drastic 82 per cent decline in triple talaq cases.

Marking the first anniversary of the triple talaq bill's passage in Parliament on July 31, the BJP said that the law that criminalises the practice of granting an instant divorce has contributed to women empowerment and given women the dignity they deserve in society.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 made instant triple talaq pronounced in any form - spoken, written or via electronic means -illegal and void. Section 4 of the act punishes a Muslim man with three years of imprisonment and also make him liable to pay a fine.

The law enacted last year against triple talaq was passed to eradicate the regressive social practice.

"Golden Day In Indian Democracy"

"From Shah Bano to Shaira Bano, Muslim women have been facing triple talaqs for decades and denied the right to respect and equality in society. On 1 August 2019, the Modi government enacted a law against triple talaq to get Muslim women free from this practice," the BJP tweeted.

One Year Of Passage Of Instant Triple Talaq

According to the government, only 1,039 incidents of triple talaq were reported in the country in last one year since the law was enacted in August 2019, whereas 3,82,964 cases or instant divorce were reported from 1985 to 2019.

Union Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on July 29 said that there has been a drastic 82 per cent decline in triple talaq cases when the legislation came into being.

Uttar Pradesh reported 63,400 cases between 1985 to August 2019, had only 281 cases reported in the last one year. West Bengal had reported the second highest number of cases since 1985 at 51,800, but the law brought down the number to just 201 cases in the last one year.

In an article 'Triple Talaq -- Big Reform, Better Result', the minister said: "One year has passed since the law against Triple Talaq was passed and there is a decline of about 82 per cent in Triple Talaq cases thereafter. If any such case was reported, the law has taken action. 1st August is a day which made Muslim women free from social evil of Triple Talaq; 1st August has been recorded in the country's history as 'Muslim Women Rights Day'."

Lashing out at the Congress, Union Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Irani said that the Congress preferred vote banks over the rights of the Muslim women in the country.

"The Congress got an opportunity to rule in favour of the Muslim sisters in the 1980s. But votes were more important for the party than the lives of these women. The real battle was fought by women who approached the courts against the injustice. This day is not only meant for the Muslim women, but all women who want respect for their gender every day," the minister said.

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