Jammu and Kashmir

Kashmir: BJP Councillor Rakesh Pandita Shot Dead By Terrorists In Pulwama's Tral

Devyani Madaik
3 Jun 2021 6:06 AM GMT

Three terrorists opened fire when Pandita was on his way to visit a friend. He was living in Srinagar, with two Personal Security Officers deployed for his security. However, the PSOs did not accompany the councillor during his visit.

BJP Councillor of South Kashmir's Tral, Rakesh Pandita, was gunned down on Wednesday, June 2, by the terrorists. The family performed the last rites on Thursday.

Three terrorists opened fire when Pandita was on his way to visit a friend, Mushtaq Ahmad. Ahmad's daughter was also severely injured in the attack.

The deceased councillor, a Kashmiri Pandit, was residing in government accommodation in Srinagar and two Personal Security Officers (PSOs) were deployed for his security. However, the PSOs did not accompany Pandita during his visit to his friend's place.

"The Police and security forces have sealed the area, and a massive search operation has been launched to nab the assailants," Hindustan Times quoted Inspector-General, Kashmir, Vijay Kumar.

Party spokesman Altaf Thakur termed the attack barbaric and said that such incidents wouldn't stop the BJP leaders from serving people. He further urged the police to track down the culprits and initiate stringent action against them.

Offering condolences to the family, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said the force would bring those responsible for the heinous crime to justice.

Opposition party leaders also condemned Pandita's killing. Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti, People's Conference chairman Sajjad Lone, and Omar Abdullah, offered condolences to the family. Mehbooba said that such attacks only brought misery to the valley.

Party Chief Ravindra Raina said that the Pakistani Terrorists who have caused the bloodbath in the valley must be punished and that the 'martyrdom of Pandita will not go in vain.

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