
India Gifts Two Oxygen Plants To Bangladesh To Help In Its Fight Against COVID

Zara Antoinette Kennedy
3 Sep 2021 9:51 AM GMT

Indian Navy Ship Savitri arrived at the Chattogram harbor in Bangladesh, carrying the oxygen plants on Thursday, September 2.

India has gifted Bangladesh two mobile medical oxygen plants to Bangladesh. Indian Navy Ship Savitri arrived at the Chattogram harbor in Bangladesh, carrying the oxygen plants on Thursday, September 2.

In July for the first time, the Indian Railways delivered 200 metric tonnes of liquid medical oxygen (LMO) to Bangladesh. During the Eid holidays, India had supplied more than 180 tonnes of medical oxygen to Bangladesh through Benapole.

In May, when India was going through a devastating second wave, Bangladesh came forward and provided much-needed assistance. It sent a consignment of medicines and protective equipment according to a report by The Republic. The consignment also contained COVID-related medications, including antibiotics, paracetamol, different kinds of injections/vials, and hand sanitisers.

In the first consigment assistance to India, Bangladesh had sent over 10,000 vials of Remdisivir Injection. Deputy High Commissioner Hasan had handed this over at the border port of Petrapole. As per the instructions of the Bangladesh Prime Minister, BEXIMCO Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh's biggest pharma company had manufactured 10,000 injections

Also Read: Indian Railways' Oxygen Express Ferries 200 MT Of Life Saving Gas To Bangladesh

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