Indian High Commission In Australia Slams Editor In Chief Of The Australian For The Critical Article Wrote On Indias Covid Response

Image Credit: Amarujala


Indian High Commission In Australia Slams Editor In Chief Of 'The Australian' For The Critical Article Wrote On India's Covid Response

Kathakali Dutta
27 April 2021 9:42 AM GMT

The article was titled "Modi leads India out of lockdown... and into a viral apocalypse". It soon got the attention of many people across the world including the Indian High Commission In Australia.

A daily newspaper in Australia by the name "The Australian" had published an article criticizing India's Covid-19 management strategies. The article was titled "Modi leads India out of lockdown... and into a viral apocalypse" soon grabs the attention of the Indian High Commission in Australia, who termed the article as "baseless, malicious and slanderous."

'Hubris, Nationalist Politics & Promotion Of The Economy Over Containment'

The article stated that the drastic surge in Covid-19 positive cases in India results from the election rallies, Kumbh Mela, shortage of medical oxygen and vaccines and ignorance towards the advice of the experts on a more infectious variant. The article, which is available online behind a paywall, also wrote "hubris... nationalist politics... slow vaccine roll-out, an ill-equipped health system... and promotion of the economy over containment," in acknowledgement of the potential threats associated with the mutated strain of Covid-19.

Indian High Commission Defends Prime Ministers Record

On Monday, the Indian High Commission accused the Editor in chief of The Australian, Mr Christopher Dore, of publishing a solely directed report towards the "universally acclaimed approach" of the Indian Government. The letter further cited several containment measures taken by the Government, like lockdown in March 2020 and the current vaccination drive. It also highlighted the speedy upgrading in the medical facilities and diagnostics of the country. The letter mentioned the vaccine diplomacy pursued by India and the exportation of other essential equipment to several countries, claiming it had "probably saved hundreds of millions more around the world". Indian High Commission further criticized the daily by terming it a "rush" to blame the surge on the restricted election campaign by the Prime Minister of India and one religious gathering," reported NDTV.

The unprecedented surge in the Covid cases had burdened the health infrastructure of the country to great extent and has resulted in the shortage of oxygen supply and sufficient medical facilities. When thousands of families cry for help and mourn over the death of their loved ones, the centre said, "there is absolutely no need to panic." Prime Minister Narendra Modi has faced much criticism for the current crisis and has arranged several meetings in the past few weeks to come up with measures to contain the spread.

Also Read: Countries Pledge To Help, Send Aid As India Grapples Through COVID-19 Crisis

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