Latest Excavation At Harappan Site Of Rakhigarhi Discovers 5000-Years-Old Drainage System, Jewellery

Image Credit- ANI


Latest Excavation At Harappan Site Of Rakhigarhi Discovers 5000-Years-Old Drainage System, Jewellery

Mrinalini Kaushik
17 May 2022 9:29 AM GMT

The third phase of excavation at the site has revealed a possible jewellery-making unit, with copper and gold jewellery which might point to a prosperous period in Harappa, an Indus Valley civilisation.

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) discovered a sophisticated drainage network, broad roads, and multi-storey house structures alongside a jewellery-making unit at the excavation site of Rakhigarhi, Haryana.

The discovery of the jewellery-making unit carries immense value as it is the most significant discovery done by ASI in the past years since it started digging in Rakhigarhi 32 years ago.

It indicates that the Harappan city might have burgeoned during the time of Mound Three out of seven mounds identified. They further found graveyards with around 60 burial grounds, terracotta toys, clay seals, and pots.

Cultural Importance Of Rakhigarhi

Harappan civilisation is believed to be the first urban civilisation in South Asia. In its search for early cultural roots, India has been trying to discover traces of the Harappan way of life in India as significant sites, Harappa and Mohenjodaro, are now behind the border of Pakistan.

Rakhigarhi's excavation will prove to be a landmark discovery, pushing the perception of Harappa as being part of Indian ethos as well.

The Joint Director General of ASI, Sanjay K Manjul, was quoted by ANI saying, "Similar excavations have happened before, and this is the third phase."

As reported by DNA India, Rakhigarhi is believed to be the most prominent Indian Harappan site. Some claim that it might even leave behind Mohenjodaro, which is known to be the largest city of Harappan culture.

Incorporating Into India's National Heritage

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also cited Rakhigarhi in 2020 during her budget speech. She listed all Harappan excavation sites for the building of 'on-site' museums to embrace India's cultural heritage.

Recently, GK Reddy, the Union Minister of Culture, stated that ASI had identified 19 sites that will be labelled as 'sites of national importance,' one of them being Rakhigarhi's Mound Six and Seven.

As reported by The Indian Express, ASI has continuously discovered many items in the past two months of phase three digging, and it is gradually progressing in making Rakhigarhi a cultural and heritage hub of India.

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