Odisha: Class 6 Girl Walks 10 Km To File Complaint Against Dad Who Claimed Her Benefit

Image Credit: The Times of India 


Odisha: Class 6 Girl Walks 10 Km To File Complaint Against Dad Who Claimed Her Benefit

Rakshitha R
17 Nov 2020 11:13 AM GMT

The girl's efforts bore fruit as the Kendrapada district collector Samarth Verma, upon receiving her letter, directed an official to arrange for direct transfer of benefits to her bank account.

A girl studying in Class 6 on Monday walked 10 km from her home, all the way to District Magistrate's office in Odisha's Kendrapada to claim the midday meal benefits her father had allegedly taken away.

Her efforts bore fruit as the Kendrapada district collector Samarth Verma, upon receiving her letter, directed an official to arrange for direct transfer of benefits to her bank account, reported The Times of India. Verma also directed that the money and rice her father had illegally claimed were handed back to her.

The government has been depositing Rs 8 a day in the bank account of every student, or a guardian in case the beneficiary doesn't have an account, ever since the lockdown started. Besides, every child gets 150 g of rice daily under the midday meal scheme.

Despite holding a bank account, the cash equivalent of her un-availed midday meal benefits had been going to her father's account, the girl alleged.

The father who does not live with her daughter anymore has been collecting rice in his daughter's name from her school.

Her mother died two yeara go after which her father re-married. Since being shunted out of her home a year ago, she has been living with her uncle.

"As directed by the collector, we will deposit the money she is entitled to directly in her bank account and take action to recover the amount her father received in her name," Kendrapada district education officer Sanjib Singh said.

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