Miraculous Recovery: 107-Year-Old Woman Defeats COVID-19

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Miraculous Recovery: 107-Year-Old Woman Defeats COVID-19

Anchal Rana
26 May 2021 10:45 AM GMT

Kaallamma, who has 43 grandkids and great-grandchildren, got a fever the day before her first vaccination. She spent 10 days in ICU and 10 more in a ward, and was treated by her 60-year-old son.

The lethal COVID-19 virus has ensued fatalities which have mounted over 3 Lakh in the country. In a miraculous instance, a 60-year-old doctor restored his 107-year-old mother's health with good food and timely medicines at Apollo Seshadripuram from the disease.

Dr V Shankar's mother, Kaallamma, was released from the hospital on Monday after a ten-day stay in the intensive care unit. Shankar claimed his mother to be 107 years old, but her government ID cards, such as Aadhaar, hinted otherwise. There were no comorbidities in Kaallamma's case.

Kaallamma has eight children, Shankar being the youngest one. According to Shankar, after complete recovery, she has asserted to return to her home in village Yannur of Chikkaballapur district in Karnataka.

"We were able to detect (COVID-19) in my mother early," he said. "She was on simple medication and oxygen for two weeks. No other comorbid conditions. She recovered fully and got discharged," reported Deccan Herald.

She had spent 10 days in ICU and 10 more in the ward during her treatment "It was challenging (to look after her) as I'm 60," Shankar said. "I used to see patients every day for 20 minutes to half an hour even before my mother was admitted. Patients' families feel happy if I see them once in the ICU."

Kaallamma suffers from dementia and had a 24/7 homecare nurse. in ICU as well she was under the care of a nurse. "We gave IV nutrition supplements, antibiotics, and simple Fabiflu tablets, the only antiviral drug we have used," Shankar said.

"With two to three litres of oxygen per minute, she recovered very well. I feel her immunity is good. She's a hard worker. In the olden days, she didn't consume vegetables grown with pesticides."

She failed to recognise her son for the first 10 days for he was wearing PPE kits throughout. "Also, the virus affects the mind," the doctor said. "Therefore, she couldn't recognise me even after I told her who I am."

Kaallamma, who has 43 grandkids and great-grandchildren, got a fever the day before her first vaccination."Now, following her recovery, she says she'll eat only if we send her back to our village. Fortunately, three of my brothers live with her there," Shankar said.

The 107 year old, Kaallamma has proved to be an inspiration for others to defeat the life-threatening virus.

Also Read: 'Oxygen Express': Indian Railways Delivers Over 16K Tonnes Of Medical Oxygen So Far

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